Shoutout to Dad: Life skills we learned from our Fathers

Shoutout to Dad Life skills we learned from our Fathers
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Fathers play a pivotal role in shaping who we become as adults. Of course, both parents have a significant impact in a child’s life. But studies indicate that a father’s involvement has a specific positive effect.


The Fatherhood Project, a non-profit organization based in the US, claims that based on their research, a father’s involvement in raising a child using authoritative parenting can lead to better emotional, social, and behavioral outcomes.



In the Philippines, fathers are traditionally considered as the protector, provider, and head of the family. These roles remain to be a powerful image even as modern society reshapes and expands what it means to be a dad. They embody resilience and strength, traits that are crucial in overcoming life’s challenges.



In honor of Father’s Day, here are the life lessons Pinoy dads have likely imparted on their children—lessons you might recall (or realized) and still apply in your everyday life. These lessons serve as good reminders for new and would-be dads, too!


Simple practical life skills. You likely learned practical skills from your dad. Being the provider of the family, fathers not only ensure the well-being of their families but also prepare their children to navigate life’s complexities with confidence and competence. And it starts with maintaining the household.


Filipino fathers are often the handyman or do-it-all-guy, and you either watched or helped Tatay repair the unhinged window or leaking pipe. These skills include using basic tools such as the hammer, saw, wrench, and screwdriver, and doing simple car checkup and maintenance (such as changing a tire).


Those with the more adventurous dads may have even taught their children how to start a fire and how to tie a knot! As a child, you may have asked why these are necessary skills. As an adult, you now understand the importance of these handy skills especially in an emergency, or that it actually was a practical lesson in self reliance. Or that the same practical skills are unwittingly being  handed down to the next generation.

Independence and responsibility. Being the head of family means being responsible for the well-being of each member. As a way of looking out for their family, our dads have likely taught us the importance of self-sufficiency and responsibility. He may have likely scolded us for depending on our mother or yaya for the most minor of tasks like preparing a meal or fixing your clothes or school stuff. Fathers teach this by making their children do small but essential tasks on their own. You probably know now that it was an exercise of being self-reliant—an important skill in adulthood.


Problem solving.  A father’s presence offers a sense of security and stability. When problems arise, their unique blend of wisdom, practical knowledge and wealth of life experience provide a sense of comfort knowing they know how to fix it or solve it.


But have you ever wondered why your father pushed you to participate in sports and other social activities as a child? Did you spend your summer vacations in basketball camps or swimming classes? It’s not just a way to keep you busy. Rather, these activities help a child improve their skills in problem solving. It’s his way of passing on these skills to you. In addition, sports fosters strategic thinking that translates well to problem-solving skills. Both fathers and mothers play an active role as they allow their children to make mistakes and solve problems for themselves while guiding them when the going gets tough. For parents, it’s a matter of providing children safe opportunities to improve these social skills, whether through encouraging them to take up sports or doing activities that tap into different aspects of their intelligence and personalities.


Financial independence. You probably opened your first bank account with your father. Do you remember giving your hard-earned savings—which your father required you to have—to the bank teller? Learning how to save and manage one’s finances begins at home. And it starts in early childhood, with a parent’s guidance. As the provider of the family, Tatays often teach his children the importance of proper money management and saving.


When it comes to budgeting and saving money, it is always best to have a financial partner—especially when you are working your way towards financial freedom. RCBC, through its banking app, Pulz, can further empower you to manage your funds more efficiently with its many convenient features and tools. You can do your banking transactions online without having to go to the branch.


With RCBC Pulz, you can open a bank account with ease, pay your bills, invest, and transfer funds anytime, anywhere, among others.


These are lessons that, as simple as they are, still have value, whichever stage of life you are in. Every moment with our Father’s is precious. Let’s celebrate and honor our dads, not just on Father’s Day,  and him for these life skills that have shaped our lives.




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