BSP probing ‘ghost employees’ | GMA News Online

BSP probing ghost employees | GMA News Online
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The Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) is investigating alleged ghost employees on its Monetary Board.


According to a “24 Oras” report on Tuesday, four employees and one immediate supervisor allegedly involved in the controversy had already voluntarily resigned in March.

“The BSP is doing a post-incident review—we are reviewing our rules to ensure that this will not happen again,” a statement from the BSP read.

The BSP assured it would take back the salaries given to the alleged employees.


The Office of the General Counsel launched an investigation into the incident last October 3 following reports that several staff in the offices of two Monetary Board members have not been reporting to work but are still receiving salaries. This was followed by another in-depth investigation in December 2023.


Four employees and their two immediate supervisors were identified in January 2024.


“We hope this clarifies, within the bounds of confidentiality and fairness due to ongoing proceedings, the steps the BSP has taken since first receiving reports on the issue, to ensure that any erring employee will be held accountable,” the BSP said.

On May 28, the BSP said that the Monetary Board has “functioned as normal” with a four-member quorum despite vacancies resulting from the issue.


“In response to speculation that vacancies may occur that would affect the board’s operations, the seven-member board can continue to perform most of its duties provided there is a four-member quorum and the rest of its duties such as granting emergency loans, with five members,” the statement read.

“We are constrained from commenting further on the Monetary Board members because they are presidential appointees,” it added. —Jiselle Anne Casucian/LDF, GMA Integrated News

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