Will Marcos Jr.’s 2024 SONA Salvage a Nation on

Will Marcos Jrs 2024 SONA Salvage a Nation on
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As the Philippines anticipates the third State of the Nation Address (SONA) of President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. in July 2024, the nation stands at a critical juncture. This SONA will be a defining moment for the administration, addressing its achievements, persistent challenges, and future goals amidst a backdrop of declining public trust, geopolitical tensions, environmental crises, and brewing political instability.


Performance Ratings and Public Sentiment

Recent surveys indicate a notable decline in trust and performance ratings for both President Marcos Jr. and Vice President Sara Duterte. A survey conducted by OCTA Research Group in May 2024 revealed that President Marcos Jr.’s trust rating fell to 75% from 87% in June 2023, while his performance rating decreased to 69% from 81%. These shifts suggest growing public dissatisfaction and skepticism regarding the administration’s actions and policies, setting a tense stage for the upcoming SONA.

Legislative Context and Key Bills

The legislative landscape leading up to the 2024 SONA is heavily focused on the passage of several key bills championed by the Marcos administration. Congress has been working diligently to pass these measures before the President’s address. Among the priority bills are:

  1. National Land Use Act: Aimed at creating a comprehensive framework for land use to ensure sustainable development and equitable resource distribution.
  2. Department of Water Resources: This bill seeks to establish a centralized agency to address the country’s water resource management issues.
  3. Mandatory Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC): This aims to reinstate mandatory military training for senior high school students, emphasizing patriotism and discipline.

The successful passage of these bills would signify significant legislative support and achievement for the administration, potentially boosting public confidence.


Commitments from Previous SONAs

2023 SONA Highlights

In his 2023 SONA, President Marcos Jr. emphasized a range of commitments aimed at bolstering the economy, improving infrastructure, and enhancing social services. Key pledges included:

  • Economic Recovery and Growth: Emphasis on reviving the economy post-pandemic, with a focus on agriculture, tourism, and digital infrastructure.
  • Build, Better, More Program: An enhanced version of the previous administration’s “Build, Build, Build” initiative, focusing on infrastructure projects to spur economic growth.
  • Healthcare Improvements: Commitment to improving healthcare facilities and services, particularly in rural areas.
  • Education Reform: Plans to address the gaps in the education system exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic.

2022 SONA Highlights

In his first SONA in 2022, Marcos Jr. laid out his administration’s vision, which included:

  • Food Security: Initiatives to boost agricultural productivity and ensure food security.
  • Infrastructure Development: Continued focus on infrastructure, promising an ambitious rollout of projects.
  • Digital Transformation: Plans to accelerate the digital transformation of government services.
  • Environmental Sustainability: Emphasis on sustainable practices and the need to address climate change.

Assessment by Makakalikasan Party

The Makakalikasan Party, an environmental political group, critically assessed Marcos Jr.’s first SONA. They highlighted a lack of concrete action on environmental protection and climate change, arguing that the administration’s policies were insufficient in addressing the urgent ecological crises facing the country. The party emphasized the need for more decisive government action, better disaster preparedness, and stronger environmental policies to protect the Philippines from the escalating threats posed by climate change. They pointed to the increased frequency and severity of typhoons, rising sea levels affecting coastal areas, and unpredictable weather patterns disrupting agricultural activities, underscoring the pressing need for a comprehensive climate action plan in the upcoming SONA.

Geopolitical Realities in the West Philippine Sea

The geopolitical tension in the West Philippine Sea remains a significant issue for the Marcos administration. The Philippines continues to face challenges in asserting its territorial claims against China’s aggressive maritime activities. The President’s handling of this issue will be closely watched, as it has implications for national security, international relations, and the livelihoods of Filipino fishermen. Strengthening defense capabilities and securing international support for the Philippines’ maritime claims are expected to be critical points in the upcoming SONA.


Worsening Climate Impacts

Climate change is increasingly impacting the Philippines, with worsening natural disasters such as typhoons, floods, and droughts. These environmental challenges have profound implications for agriculture, infrastructure, and public health. The administration’s response to these issues, including disaster preparedness, climate adaptation strategies, and environmental protection measures, will be crucial components of the 2024 SONA. Critics have pointed out the need for more robust and actionable plans to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change on the nation.

Brewing Political Instability

The political landscape in the Philippines is marked by brewing instability and factionalism among traditional politicians. Recent reports suggest that there are concerns about potential coup attempts against President Marcos Jr., fueled by discontent within certain military and political circles. Additionally, there is growing infighting among traditional political elites, which has led to calls for a new form of governance reminiscent of the revolutionary spirit of the Katipunan. This internal strife poses a significant challenge to the administration’s stability and ability to govern effectively.

Build, Better, More Program: Continuity and Criticism

A cornerstone of Marcos Jr.’s agenda has been the “Build, Better, More” program, a continuation and expansion of his predecessor’s infrastructure initiative. This program aims to modernize the country’s infrastructure, including roads, bridges, airports, and railways, to stimulate economic growth and improve connectivity. Despite the ambitious nature of the program, critics argue that it is a rehash of previous pledges with insufficient progress and transparency. Concerns have been raised about the sustainability and environmental impact of these large-scale projects, echoing criticisms from environmental groups like the Makakalikasan Party.

Key Expectations for the 2024 SONA

As President Marcos Jr. prepares for his 2024 SONA, several key issues and expectations are likely to dominate the address:

  1. Economic Performance: Detailed updates on the country’s economic recovery, growth rates, and future economic policies.
  2. Infrastructure Developments: Progress reports on the “Build, Better, More” program and future infrastructure plans.
  3. Social Services: Updates on healthcare, education, and social welfare programs, particularly in response to ongoing challenges.
  4. Legislative Achievements: Highlights of the administration’s legislative successes, particularly the passage of key bills mentioned earlier.
  5. Environmental Policies: Clarification on the administration’s stance and future plans regarding environmental sustainability and climate change.
  6. Public Trust and Governance: Measures to address the declining public trust and steps to improve transparency and accountability in governance.
  7. Geopolitical Strategy: Plans to address the ongoing tensions in the West Philippine Sea and reinforce national security.
  8. Political Stability: Strategies to manage and mitigate the brewing political instability and ensure effective governance amidst internal challenges.

Challenges and Criticisms

The declining trust and performance ratings of the President underscore significant challenges facing the administration. Public dissatisfaction may stem from various factors, including perceived slow progress on key initiatives, ongoing economic hardships, and concerns over governance issues. Additionally, the geopolitical tensions in the West Philippine Sea and the worsening impacts of climate change present formidable challenges that require immediate and effective action. The administration’s handling of these challenges will be crucial in the coming months.


The 2024 SONA of President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Jr. comes at a pivotal moment for the Philippines. As the nation grapples with economic recovery, infrastructure development, social challenges, geopolitical tensions, and environmental crises, the address will be a critical reflection of the administration’s accomplishments and a roadmap for its future priorities. Amidst declining public trust, brewing political instability, and a complex legislative landscape, the President’s ability to inspire confidence and articulate a clear vision will be essential in shaping the country’s trajectory in the coming years.

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