Coop members undergo bamboo products training

Coop members undergo bamboo products training
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CITY OF SAN FERNANDO—Members of the Bobon Caarosipan Multipurpose Cooperative from Camiling town, Tarlac province were trained on bamboo product-making by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI).


The training is under the agency’s Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program.

The beneficiaries were equipped with skills in creating decorative products using bamboo as raw material.


The 20 members of the cooperative were taught the proper cutting of bamboo poles, treatment, product assembly, and finishing techniques.


The DTI, through its Negosyo Center in Camiling, said it will continue to monitor and support the skills and business development of the beneficiaries so they could generate additional income with minimal investment and readily available resources.


DTI provides seminars to various sectors, including farmers, to encourage more Tarlaqueños to start their business journey, to generate employment, and to boost the local economy of the province.

The training of the Bobon Caarosipan Multipurpose Cooperative members was conducted after Macaguing Primary Multipurpose Cooperative in Sta. Ignacia town were trained on engineered bamboo product-making.

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