Something strange is happening with Earth’s magnetic field tail

illustration shows magnetic field lines around the Earth reconnecting in the magnetotail usually one of the first signs of a substorm An internally funded Southwest Research Institute project is investigating the nature of substorms specifically a 2017 event when reconnection appeared to occur without inciting a substorm
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You may not know this, but Earth’s magnetic field has a tail. As the sun‘s solar wind buffets the planet, it leaves behind a sort of long shadow that trails out in our planet’s wake. Scientists call this magnetic tail, appropriately, the magnetotail. Typically, the magnetotail is strewn with magnetic storms.


But for the past several years, scientists have known of a mystery in the magnetotail: a missing storm. They have found a signature of a storm, but no storm to actually go along with it. NASA’s Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission is now on the case.


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