Brit teen raped in Majorca after ‘drink spiked on night out’ as cops arrest bar manager and launch hunt for 2 other men

Brit teen raped in Majorca after drink spiked on night out as cops arrest bar manager and launch hunt for 2 other men
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COPS have arrested a bar manager in Majorca on suspicion of raping a teenage British tourist.


Police are searching for two other men who have witnessed the horrific attack and allegedly “did nothing to prevent it”.


A British teenager was allegedly sexually assaulted in S’illot, Majorca

The 19-year-old holidaymaker raised the alarm after returning to her hotel in the early hours of yesterday morning.


She told cops she had been plied with alcohol at a bar in S’illot, a small tourist town on the south east coast of Majorca, before being taken to a storeroom when she became dizzy and “offered sex”.

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