Is there a brewing coup against Marcos Junior?

Is there a brewing coup against Marcos Junior
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In a recent interview made by former Senator Antonio Trillanes IV with ANC, he identified two (2) active generals from the Philippine National Police (PNP) as responsible for the active recruitment of kudistas against the administration of President Ferdinand “Bongbong” Marcos Junior. Trillanes says former and active generals are silently recruiting personnel from the police organization after failing to get support from the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP). For the uninitiated, this means the possibility of a “civil war” since such moves connote the existence of an armed group allied with the present dispensation versus another possibly armed group being formed from within the ranks of state security forces. In Ludwak’s book, if such information had leaked out, the possibility of it being a real security concern looms. The question is–why is this emerging at a time when there’s a very serious strain in Sino-Philippine relations? Is this a foreign sponsored extra constitutional plan?


Recruitment began last year after serious policy and personal misunderstandings between the Duterte and Marcos groups broke out. Political insiders revealed that these misunderstandings became extremely serious when several pro-Duterte personalities lost their sinecures in the current administration while several others got bumped off big, juicy government projects and contracts.

Worse, intelligence sources also revealed that the group that once challenged the smuggling activities of some Duterte supporters (allegedly with the blessing of a son of the former president–this is still being verified) is now back in power and is undertaking poaching of territory. There is an on-going internal war between and among illegal smugglers and drug syndicates.

Now, here’s the question– who are these active PNP generals involved in this charade? One of them allegedly got a juicy post in a line government agency to silence him and shield him from the spotlight. He was actively involved in the so-called drug killings perpetrated allegedly by the Davao-based Duterte group. Insiders say he enjoys the trust and confidence of the former president and of a senator who founded the dreaded Alsa Masa anti-Communist death squad in the early eighties. He is so influential with the Dutertes that he was able to silently operate within government circles without anybody noticing it. However, during the past dispensation, he tried yet failed to pressure a big time businessman to cough up monies for him to lift his finger off an importation that he deemed illegal despite having complete papers.


This person is extremely dangerous because he is known to keep many underground criminal elements in his stable. His name came up as the mastermind behind several political killings in the present and recent past.


The other one is an active general often seen with close civilian and politicians very close to the former president. While he was once considered for the top PNP post to replace former PNP chief Acorda, this general reportedly holds a grudge against the newly installed PNP chief. His loyalty to the former president is unshakable, says one insider since he became a cop thru the help of the once dreaded Mayor of Davao.

Aside from these two, several ex-generals are moving and using the so-called “prayer rallies” as a recruitment ruse. One or two of these generals already convinced a former Communist ideologue to join them. This ideologue formed an armed group composed of former NPA cadres and is operating clandestinely in Luzon. Insiders say, aside from active members of the PNP, these destabilizers are also training civilians. The fact is, several of their events include weekly shooting competitions being held not just in Davao but in many parts of the country. To hide their true intentions, they have invited gun clubs run by a national fraternal organization which were initially funded by the former president.


Now, why are they moving against this government?

Many believe that their true intention is to deter or prevent the forthcoming arrest of former president Rodrigo Roa Duterte and several of his so-called associates in the controversial drug killings. They already have a plan on how to protect the former president from being arrested.


The second reason, and this is more sinister, is to install as President, the current vice president of the Philippines, Sara Duterte. This explains why several reports say the deadline for this group to undertake this extra-constitutional move is June 30. The plan reportedly of this group is to force a coup d’stat, install Sara as President to serve the remaining term of Marcos junior. They will then prepare and neutralize potential oppositionist figures such as Speaker Martin Romualdez and some say, Senator Raffy Tulfo. Sara will then become Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo part two to serve for nine years instead of just three years.

According to reports, several organizations aligned with the extreme Right support this plan. The second option, as per insiders, is to appoint Duterte as interim president to initiate a change in the Constitution. This interim presidency will last for three years while a new Federal constitution is being drafted. Afterward, Sara will be encouraged to run for President within this system, and a trusted political ally will be nominated as the Prime Minister. The identity of this individual is currently being kept confidential.

However, insiders also believe that all these are just subterfuges to hide the real reason for these destabilization efforts. They see a foreign hand behind this, a deliberate plan to install a one-party state, a satellite state, so to speak, of our big neighbor. 

According to this theory, this big neighbor realized that the Philippines was ripe for a silent occupation through political means. First, they already partnered with several major politicalcountry, allowing their close associates to get active in local and national politics. Using money, these candidates now occupy local government posts, parties in the  and some are very active in Congress.

The second stage requires actively recruiting junior and mid-level officers of the police and security organizations. They already accomplished this during the Duterte administration through study exchanges. The third and final stage, is the possibile activation of sleeper cells within the country.

(to be continued…)

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