DxO PhotoLab 7 review | Space

DxO PhotoLab 7 review | Space
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DxO PhotoLab has long been known for its exceptional RAW image handling and class-leading noise reduction technology, both of which impressed us when we reviewed DxO PhotoLab 6 last year. Version 7 was released at the end of 2023, so we’re going to take a look at this latest version to see what’s good, what’s not so good and whether there are any notable upgrades between the two. They claim their software is ‘the most advanced, end-to-end, RAW editing software’, so we are eager to put this to the test.


The best photo editing apps need to be user-friendly, have a good selection of tools and be accessible enough for users of all experience levels and budgets to use. In this review, we’ll discuss pricing and subscription options, the user interface and layout, the key features and any other features that will work well for astrophotography.

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