Esther McVey announces civil service rainbow lanyard ban in new Tory culture war

Esther McVey announces civil service rainbow lanyard ban in new Tory culture war
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Esther McVey has announced a ban on rainbow and other “random lanyards” in the civil service as she listed a new series of measure for a Tory “war on woke” in the civil service.


Rishi Sunak’s common sense minister signalled a new front in the culture wars as she revealed a list of new measures including end contracts with organisations like Stonewall.

While she did not specifically mention rainbow lanyards, the preferred lanyard used for those supporting LGBTQ+ issues or the NHS has annoyed many Tory MPs and become symbolic of “leftwing bias” in the civil service.

Ms McVey told an audience with the Tory Centre for Policy Studies (CPS): “I want a very simple but visible change to occur to the lanyards we use to carry our security passes [which] shouldn’t be a random pick and mix. They should be a standard design reflecting that we are all members of the government delivering for the citizens of the UK.


“Working in the civil service is all about leaving your political views at the building entrance. Trying to introduce them by the back door via lanyards should not happen. The focus should be on a happy and inclusive working environment and increased productivity.”

Conservative minister Esther McVey (Jeff Moore/PA) (PA Wire)

In a speech which spelt out a right wing agenda for the Tories in the run up to the election later this year, Ms McVey made it clear that the government is going to war with the “backdoor politicisation” of the civil service.

She told her audience: “Given the crucial role [civil serrvants] play in delivering the services we need to stop the inappropriate backdoor politicisation of the civil service which diverts time and resources from that focus on the public.


“We have too often seen them distracted by fashionable hobbyhorses. Especially when it comes to issues like equality and diversity. People want the public servants to be getting on with the job of making their lives better, not engaging in endless internal discussions about ideology and I’m not prepared to see pointless job creation schemes for the politically correct.”

In a specific attack on Stonewall which has been providing LGBTQ+ advice to Whitehall departments she insisted that “there will no there will be no more contracts for external diversity spending from this as soon as this guidance is made live unless signed off by a government minister.”

The minister added: “That includes any agencies with current contracts, including Stonewall and to make sure that does not inadvertently lead to an increase in internal EDI (equality, diversity and inclusion) activity. Secretaries of State and permanent secretaries will take responsibility for that. Within the departments. There will be new impartiality guidance to ensure that civil service focuses on delivering for the public.”

Ms McVey also wants to dismantle civil service networks based on religion and other ideologically related activities.


She said: “We will also be taking aim at staff networks to my colleague John Glenn has been clear that managing these networks cannot become a full time job. For civil servants, especially given the fact there have been rapid growth in both the numbers and types of these stuff networks. Many may have started with good intentions, but some have moved to a place of political and religious activism and such networks have no place in the civil service and will be closed down.

“In March the deputy prime minister ordered an immediate suspension of the civil service for Muslim network after alarms were raised. The individuals involved are subject to a disciplinary investigation. Civil servants should not be distracted by issues unrelated to their ultimate role, delivering excellent results for the taxpayer networks that were meant to be about inclusivity too often, in fact, brought division and offset into the working environment. There is no place for unprofessional behaviour in the workplace like harassment or bullying.”

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