Moment driver crashes into road sign during 115mph police chase | News

Moment driver crashes into road sign during 115mph police chase
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This is the moment a dangerous driver loses control of his car and smashes into a road sign during a 115mph police speed chase.


Blayze McKane accelerated away from police in a pursuit on the A27 near Falmer in Brighton.

His vehicle was not taxed or insured.

During the pursuit, he overtook other vehicles while driving in excess of 100mph.


In his bid to evade police, he eventually crashed into a road sign on a slip road.


RPU Investigating officer PC Ben Dart said: “McKane’s driving was appalling. He reached dangerously high speeds which put other road users at high risk.

McKane, 19, was disqualified from driving for 18 months after he pleaded guilty to dangerous driving and driving without a licence and insurance.

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