Ministry of Defence has almost as many civil servants as soldiers, figures show

Ministry of Defence has almost as many civil servants as soldiers figures show
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THE MoD has almost as many civil servants as there are soldiers, official figures show.


The Army has 73,150 troops and there are 70,839 penpushers.
According to the Ministry of Defence’s annual report, it employs 64,571 civil servants and 6,268 civilian personnel such as contractors, agency or tem­porary staff.


The Ministry of Defence has almost as many civilian staff as soldiersCredit: UK MOD Crown copyright

The Army, at its smallest since the 1700s, lost around 200 soldiers in the last three months of 2023.


In the same period the MoD civilian staff roster increased by 535.


There is now more than one civil servant for every two members of the Armed Forces, made up of around 142,160 serving in the Royal Navy, Army and RAF.

A Freedom of Information request seen by The Sun on Sunday also reveals most infantry, tank and artillery regiments are under strength.



Newly formed regiment The Rangers should have around 1,000 personnel but has just 660.

Separate figures also show 60 senior MoD civil servants on more than £100,000.

Ex-Army intelligence officer Col Phil Ingram said of staff levels: “It seems incredibly excessive when compared to those in uniform.”

PM Rishi Sunak has said defence spending will go up to 2.5 per cent — but only when the economy allows.

Ministry of Defence is ‘hacked by China’

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