O’Neill seeks ‘thought-out’ response to cross-border asylum seekers in Ireland

ONeill seeks thought out response to cross border asylum seekers in Ireland
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Northern Ireland First Minister Michelle O’Neill has called for a “thought-out” response to people who seek asylum in Ireland after travelling from the UK.


The Irish Government claimed there has been a shift in migration patterns into Ireland in recent months and that the number of migrants crossing from Northern Ireland was “higher than 80%”.

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has said claims the UK’s Rwanda plan is causing an influx of migrants into Ireland show its deterrent effect is working.

Michelle O’Neill said the Irish government had been ‘disorganised’ responding to the issue (AFP via Getty Images)

Asked about the claim, the PM told Sky News his focus was on the United Kingdom.


But he added: “What that comment illustrates is a couple of things. One, that illegal migration is a global challenge, which is why you’re seeing multiple countries talk about doing third country partnerships, looking at novel ways to solve this problem, and I believe will follow where the UK has led.


“But what it also shows, I think, is that the deterrent is according to your comment already having an impact because people are worried about coming here.”

Ministers want to send asylum seekers coming to the UK on a one-way flight to the east African nation, with the aim of deterring others from crossing the English Channel on small boats.

Rishi Sunak said an increase in asylum seekers arriving in Ireland shows his Rwanda plan is acting as a deterrent (PA Wire)

The Irish Government is to introduce legislation in response to an Irish High Court ruling last month that Ireland’s designation of the UK as a “safe third country” for returning asylum seekers, in the context of the Rwanda plan, is contrary to EU law.


Sinn Fein vice president Ms O’Neill said neither Irish premier Simon Harris, Irish deputy premier Micheal Martin nor Justice Minister Helen McEntee had yet been in contact with her about planned legislation on asylum seekers arriving in Ireland from the UK.

This is the forum in which there should be a solution coming out the other end, but a thought-out solution, an actually considered solution, a human rights compliant solution, and we look forward to (that) over the next couple of days

Michelle O’Neill

“I am the First Minister in the north and I have yet to hear from the Taoiseach or the Tanaiste or the Justice Minister,” she said in Dublin on Sunday.

“To me, that highlights, maybe even underlines, how disorganised they are in dealing with this issue.

“Policy responsibility for migration and immigration sits with the British government, I’m aware that Helen McEntee is to meet (Home Secretary) James Cleverly over the course of the next 24-36 hours.

“There’s also a British-Irish intergovernmental conference this week, this is the forum in which these issues need to be addressed.

“This is the forum in which there should be a solution coming out the other end, but a thought-out solution, an actually considered solution, a human rights compliant solution, and we look forward to (that) over the next couple of days.”

Ms O’Neill was speaking at a launch of the party’s local, European and Limerick mayoral election campaign in Dublin.

Sinn Fein leader Mary Lou McDonald, who was also at the event, argued that cross-border migration means Ireland should reject a newly-revealed overhaul of EU laws on migration and asylum.

“We now hear that the Government has plans to address the issue of those who have claimed asylum in Britain and who then move on to the island of Ireland,” Ms McDonald said on Sunday.


“We want to see what those plans are. Clearly, there has to be an efficient way of managing all of this.

“By the way, life has to continue on the island – people have to come and go to work, business and commerce has to flow. I dearly wish that we didn’t have a border on the island. Sadly, for now anyway, we do.

“So, ordinary life has to go on as normal. And then we need a plan that is resourced and delivered to deal with this issue.

“I hear that they are saying that they will now have accelerated procedures for people who are making a claim. I think that would be very welcome but I’m conscious also we’ve heard commitments like this before and they haven’t been delivered on.”

Simon Harris was appointed Taoiseach last week (Damien Storan/PA) (PA Wire)

Asked about plans to overhaul the EU’s migration system, Ms McDonald said: “I think the turn of events and the specific set of circumstances that we have to deal with on the island of Ireland actually argue against signing up to the EU migration pact lock, stop and barrel.

“Unlike other European jurisdictions, we have to deal with our next-door neighbour of Britain and we have to have the flexibility and the capacity to manage that.”

Irish premier Simon Harris has said that more co-operation will be needed between the Gardai and PSNI on migration issues.

He was speaking after the Irish Government claimed there had been a surge in recent months in asylum seekers in Ireland who had arrived over the Northern Ireland border.

Asked whether there would be checks carried out, Mr Harris said: “In relation to checks, it is, again, a statement of fact that the PSNI and the Gardai already collaborate and work together, I do certainly think there’s going to need to be much more of that in terms of collaboration.

“So, I do know, my colleague, the minister (for Justice Helen McEntee) is meeting the British Home Secretary (James Cleverly) tomorrow, I very much welcome that.

“Any scenario, in relation to any loophole perceived or otherwise, will be responded to by this Government.”

He said Ireland does not intend to allow Ireland to “provide a loophole for anybody else’s migration challenges”.

“Every country is entitled to have its own migration policy, but I certainly don’t intend to allow anybody else’s migration policy to affect the integrity of our own one,” he said in Co Monaghan on Sunday.

“This country will not in any way, shape or form provide a loophole for anybody else’s migration challenges. That’s very clear. Other countries can decide how they wish to advance migration.

“From an Irish perspective, we intend to have a firm rules-based system where rules are in place, where rules are in force, where rules are seen to be enforced.

“It is a statement of fact that there was a returns agreement in place between Ireland and Britain, and there was a High Court decision in the month of March in relation to that.

“My colleague, the Minister for Justice, will now bring forward legislative proposals to Cabinet on Tuesday that will seek to put in place a new returns policy. We’re going to await the full details of that but it’s one which will effectively allow, again, people to be returned to the United Kingdom. And I think that’s quite appropriate. It was always the intention.

“It’s very important in migration and in the challenge that migration poses in so many countries, that you can be agile and respond to things quickly as they arise.”

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