On shortchanging the TV viewers

On shortchanging the TV viewers
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A NORMALLY well-patronized and viewed television series commands almost 80% of the nation’s viewership, from Monday to Friday. It usually runs from 45 minutes to an hour of viewing time.


And then in between a slew of commercials of various products is fed in dizzying fashion that viewers oftentimes resort to their remote controls to switch to channles whiich are ads free.


Then the viewers eventually lose interest in following the ries, thanks to the suffocating number of commercials thrown in between.

The producers of these commercial contents probably think that it is okey to the viewers to be inundated with the said commercials.


Not so, as the others are infuriated by them. Puro commercials, they enthused and ask the regulatory agency, the MTRCB, to lessen the load of irritating commercials to let them enjoy fully the series. Can this be done, George?


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I happened to watch a popular night time series and I counted the commercials thrown in between: 21 ads of various contents and persuasions and the series had only 30 inutes to show as entertainment. Sus!

Luckily, I had the remote control and I switched to the non-ad channels while waiting for the end of the slew of commercials.

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The MTRCB should regulate the airing of commercials on television series so as not depriver viewers their viewing pleasure. They deserve hours of enjoyment of viewing popular series.

Some commercials are repeated twice or thrice and this the regulating agency should watch and regulate, to be fair to the viewers.

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