Balikatan 2024 begins

Balikatan 2024 begins
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THE 2024 Balikatan Exercise between the Philippines and the United States started on Monday, April 22.


This year’s Balikatan, which is part of the PH-US Visiting Forces Agreement under the Mutual Defense Treaty, will be joined by approximately 5,000 personnel from the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and 11,000 US military personnel, including 3,700 US Marines, 1,200 soldiers, 4,000 US Navy, 400 airmen and air national guardsmen, and 750 US special operations forces.

The Australian Defense Force, which will serve as observer, is also expected to deploy around 150 personnel particularly in field training exercise (FTX) and humanitarian civic activities.

Around 100 French Navy will also join in FTX and at-sea events, marking their inaugural participation in Balikatan.


The Balikatan exercises seek to enhance the alliance between the Philippines and US through mutual defense capability, combating terrorism, bolstering maritime security endeavors and confronting common extremist challenges.


In his speech, AFP chief of Staff General Romeo Brawner said this year’s Balikatan represents the essence of unity, collective responsibility and enduring partnership between the Philippines and the US and other partner states.

He said it stands as evidence of the country’s efforts to enhance the cooperation, dedication and mutual intentions that strengthen the interoperability of its forces through joint and combined operational settings.


“As coastal nations, the United States and the Philippines share the vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean. We understand the importance of maritime cooperation in addressing the complex challenges that threaten peace and security in our region,” said Brawner.

“Together, alongside our like-minded partners, we are fully committed to upholding a stable and prosperous Indo-pacific. The ever-evolving nature of defense necessitates our adoption and transformation. Through the comprehensive archipelagic defense concept that we have recently developed, we aim to enhance our defense capabilities,” he added.

The Command and Control Exercise (C2X), FTX and HCA are the three main components of this year’s iteration, which will be conducted in Northern Luzon, Western Command and Southern Luzon.

The C2X includes cyber-defense, staff planning and inaugural information warfare exercises that aims to enhance both nation’s ability to protect critical military and civilian cyber infrastructure, focus on developing plans for future iteration of joint military exercises like Balikatan, and to align their information warfare tactics and strategies.


The FTX will focus on the coordination of the Philippine and US forces to defend the country from simulated threats in land, air and seas.

It is seen to bolster territorial defense, swift deployment and effective utilization of long-range, precision strike capabilities, sensing and targeting of simulated air threats and integrating air and land platforms from multiple nations to increase awareness of maritime security situations.

The HCA seeks infrastructure development, sharing life-saving medical expertise and fostering stronger military-community relations within local Philippine communities.

AFP spokesperson Colonel Francel Margareth Padilla said this year’s Balikatan exercise is distinctive due to its scale and evolving nature, adapting to contemporary security challenges.

“Every balikatan is increasingly complex than the last. It has evolved from the tactical to the operational level of war. We aim to enhance interoperability, strengthen alliances, and deepen regional security cooperation,” he said.

“Balikatan is a demonstration of combat readiness and interoperability with our treaty allies. Our focus remains on bolstering external defense capabilities and fostering peace and stability in the Indo-Pacific region,” she added.

She maintained that this year’s Balikatan activities are not in any way connected to the prevailing tensions in the West Philippine Sea (WPS).

“This Balikatan exercise is an annual event aimed at strengthening defense capabilities and alliances. While we remain vigilant in the face of regional challenges, the exercise is not explicitly tied to any particular country’s actions. Its primary objective is to enhance collective security and readiness among participating nations,” she said.

The Balikatan 2024 will be held until May 10, 2024. (TPM/SunStar Philippines)

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