Philippine Navy urges Filipinos to shun China’s “sow and

Philippine Navy urges Filipinos to shun Chinas sow and
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Filipinos should not believe China’s narratives, particularly on the so-called existence of a “gentleman’s agreement,” as these allegations are intended to divert the real issue–that of China’s continuing militarization of the West Philippine Sea (WPS).


This is the appeal made by Philippine Navy Commodore Roy Vincent Trinidad, spokesperson of the AFP in the West Philippine Sea (WPS) issue at the radio program “Everything For Good” (EFG) radio show over at Radio Veritas last Saturday, April 20. Trinidad, alongside Philippine navy spokesperson John Alcos have been at the frontlines in the nation’s defense against China’s continuing militarization of the WPS, particularly the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone (EEZ).

During the radio show, hosts Atty. Fred Mison and Ricky Rivera asked Commodore Trinidad about the timeline of China’s actions in the West Philippine Sea. Trinidad explained that China’s harassment of the Philippines began in the late nineties with the construction of ‘fisherman’s havens’ on one of the islands. At that time, the Philippines believed China’s intentions were benign and did not raise any objections.

However, the situation changed when China started building military installations and facilities in the West Philippine Sea. This action, according to Trinidad, shattered the trust between China and the Philippines, highlighting the need for Filipinos to be critical of China’s actions and narratives.


When asked if civilian authorities instructed them not to allow construction materials to be brought to the BRP Sierra Madre, Trinidad, and even Philippine Navy spokesperson John Alcos denied receiving such instructions.


Trinidad says such talks are just diversions to the main bone of contention in the WPS, which is the continuous militarization of the area. The West Philippine Sea is a critical international global maritime trade route.

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