Watch: 80 firefighters battle raging blaze as historic London pub | News

Dozens of firefighters called to battle blaze at historic London pub
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A historic pub in London’s southwest was damaged in a fire on Friday night (19 April), London Fire Brigade said.


Emergency crews were called to the Burn Bullock in Mitcham at around 7:30pm amid reports that the London Road building was on fire.

The heritage-listed pub, which has been closed for more than 10 years, attracted emergency crews from Norbury, Wimbledon and Tooting in 12 fire engines.


About 80 firefighters attended the scene, but despite their best efforts the building suffered significant damage in the blaze, the fire service said.


Half of the ground, first, and second floors of the building were damaged, while the roof of the now-derelict public house was also destroyed.


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