Police reviewing allegations against suspended Tory MP accused of pay-off to ‘bad people’

Police reviewing allegations against suspended Tory MP accused of pay off to bad people
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Police say they are “reviewing” a letter concerning claims against Conservative MP Mark Menzies, who is accused of misusing party campaign funds.


Labour Party chairwoman Anneliese Dodds has written to Lancashire Police calling on the force to look into allegations that Mr Menzies used political donations to cover medical expenses and pay off “bad people” who had locked him in a flat and demanded thousands of pounds for his release.

The Times published claims that he called his former campaign manager at 3.15am one day in December, saying he needed £5,000 as a matter of “life and death”.

The sum, which rose to £6,500, was eventually paid by his office manager from her personal bank account and was later reimbursed from funds raised from donors, it was alleged.


The paper also said £14,000 given by donors for Tory campaign activities was transferred to Mr Menzies’ personal bank accounts and used for private medical expenses.


The MP for Fylde in Lancashire lost the Conservative whip and was suspended as one of Rishi Sunak’s trade envoys after the claims were made.


The Tory party has said it is looking into the allegations, which he disputes.

A Lancashire Police spokesperson said on Friday evening: “We can confirm that we have now received a letter detailing concerns around this matter and we are in the process of reviewing the available information in more detail.”

Mr Menzies’ former campaign manager, Katie Fieldhouse, said she was appalled by the Conservative Party and chief whip’s handling of the allegations.

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