Joe Biden has allowed Iran to ‘get away with murder’ expert claims in furious outburst | World | News

Joe Biden has allowed Iran to get away with murder expert claims in furious outburst | World | News
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The Biden administration’s policies in the Middle East has been a “complete failure,” as Israel edges closer to launching a strike to Iran in retaliation to the regime’s missile and drone strikes on April 1, an expert says.


Kasra Aarabi, a director of research on the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) at United Against Nuclear Iran, told the US Sun that Biden has allowed Iran to “get away with murder without facing any consequences.”

This declaration comes as the region braces for a potential Israeli retaliation after Iran has launched hundreds of missiles and drones at Israel over the weekend.

The attack was seen as retribution over a widely attributed Israeli strike on Iran’s consultate in Damascus, Syria, that killed 12 people, including two Iranian generals.


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As the Israeli war cabinet deliberates on the scope and timing of an attack against Iran, the Biden administration has repeatedly reiterated that Washington will not support an Israeli counter-attack.

Aarabi spoke of Washington’s possible response to the strikes: “Iran knows Israel will have to retaliate. But what the regime in Iran is testing now is the US support for that retaliation.


“If it sees weakness in that support, it will use the next ten months as the best opportunity to escalate on all fronts.


“Biden must stand firm and firmly support Israel’s retaliation.”

Aarabi told the outlet that if the US don’t provide defence support for Israel, then Iran “will escalate on all fronts,” referring not just the Jewish nation and the US, but to Western Europe.

His comments came amid heightened tensions between Israel and Iran, as the Israeli Foreign Minister Israel Katz said that “if Iran attacks from its territory, Israel will respond and attack in Iran.

On the other side, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei reiterated his promise to retaliate against Israel over the attack on its consulate in Damascus.

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