Constance Marten trial – latest: Death of aristocrat and partner’s newborn a ‘tragic accident’ say defence

Constance Marten trial latest Death of aristocrat and partners newborn a tragic accident say defence
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Moment Constance Marten arrested by police

The death of Constance Marten and Mark Gordon’s newborn baby was a “tragic accident”, the Old Bailey heard today.


The pair are accused of gross negligence manslaughter of the newborn, whom they took off-grid to stop her from being taken into care like their four other children.

Launching his closing remarks to the jury, Francis Fitzgibbon KC, defending Marten, said baby Victoria’s death was no more than a “tragic accident”.

He accused the prosecution of painting the mother as a “monster” during the trial, which he alleged had been prosecuted in an “aggressive, bullish way” as Marten endured five days of cross examination.


Marten, 36, and Gordon, 49, both deny the charges of gross negligence manslaughter of Victoria between 4 January and 27 February last year. They also deny charges of perverting the course of justice by concealing the body, concealing the birth of a child, child cruelty, and allowing the death of a child.


The trial continues.


Trial resumes

The trial of Constance Marten and her partner Mark Gordon has resumed, with the judge summing up the case to the jury following speeches by both the prosecution and the couple’s defence lawyers.

Follow here for the latest updates.

Holly Evans18 April 2024 11:16


What happened yesterday?

During yesterday’s summing up, lawyers for aristocrat Constance Marten claimed she is a victim of “nasty class prejudice” as they insist her baby’s death while on the run was a tragic accident.

In his closing remarks to the jury, Francis Fitzgibbon KC, defending Marten, said the newborn’s death was “no crime” after she fell asleep holding the infant, named Victoria, as she sheltered in a tent with her partner Mark Gordon.

“What happened to Victoria was no crime. But rather a terrible, tragic accident,” he told the Old Bailey on Wednesday.

Read the full article from our crime correspondent Amy-Clare Martin here:

Holly Evans18 April 2024 10:15


Case to resume at 10.30am

The Recorder of London Mark Lucraft KC is due to begin summing up the case of Constance Marten and Mark Gordon from 10.30am at the Old Bailey.

We’ll be bringing you all the latest updates here.

Holly Evans18 April 2024 09:09


Prosecution accused of ‘nasty class prejudice’ against Marten

Mr Fitzgibbon said repeated references to Marten’s “rich and privileged” background and her trust fund were a “distraction” and an “irrelevance”.


“The comment made yesterday about her upstairs downstairs attitude was just throwing a bit of nasty class prejudice,” he added. “Just another little smear.”

It comes after prosecutor Tom Little KC yesterday suggested Marten had an “upstairs, downstairs mentality” after she referred to a witness as a “random workman”.

Amy-Clare Martin17 April 2024 15:23


Baby Victoria was not a victim of abuse, court told

Mr Fitzgibbon insisted that the infant’s death was a “tragic accident” which could have happened anywhere after Marten fell asleep holding her child.

He said parents are prosecuted in cases where the children are found to be have been abused, but “we say there is no such abuse here”.

“A woman who has given birth two weeks or so before will be exhausted by caring for her baby wherever she may be,” he added.

Amy Clare-Martin17 April 2024 15:09


Weather was not below freezing when they arrived in Sussex, court hears

Mr Fitzgibbon denied that baby Victoria died of hypothermia – insisting the weather was not freezing when the parents arrived in Sussex.

Marten claims the infant died inside her jack on 9 January, just a day after they pitched the tent on the South Downs.


“Conditions were not freezing. There was no ice or snow or frost,” Mr Fitzgibbon told the court.

He added: “It was not toasty warm, for sure, but neither was it freezing cold or wintry.

“So carried within Constance Marten’s puffer jacket – was she likely to become dangerously cold?”

Amy-Clare Martin17 April 2024 14:52


Trial returns after lunch break

The trial has started again and the court will hear further from Francis Fitzgibbon KC, who is defending Constance Marten.

Joe Middleton17 April 2024 14:28


What happened yesterday?

In court on Tuesday, aristocrat Constance Marten was accused of making “fantastical” claims about “Mission Impossible-style” private investigators trailing her and her partner Mark Gordon.

A court heard how the couple feared they were being tracked by investigators hired by Marten’s wealthy relatives as they went on the run with their newborn daughter Victoria.

But lead prosecutor Tom Little KC dismissed their concerns – including fears investigators had tampered with their car which caught fire – as “fantastical” as he concluded his closing speech on Tuesday.

Amy-Clare Martin reports.

Joe Middleton17 April 2024 13:45


Trial breaks for lunch

The trial is taking a break and will return at around 2pm.

Joe Middleton17 April 2024 13:15


Claims the couple carried baby Victoria in Lidl carrier bag while still alive a ‘smear’, court told

Mr Fitzgibbon told the jury that in CCTV footage of the couple on the run the baby is being “held close” by one or other of the parents.

“We say it is a smear and nothing more to suggest that the baby was in the shopping bag at any stage,” he added.

Amy-Clare Martin17 April 2024 12:46

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