The ‘Commuter’s Guide’ to surviving the Cebu heat

The Commuters Guide to surviving the Cebu heat
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Douglas Adams taught us the importance of towels, and here in Cebu, this advice couldn’t be more apt. A towel can be a sun shield, sweat dabber, impromptu picnic blanket and a symbol of your preparedness. It might also wave down some form of public transport if you swing it with enough enthusiasm.


Dress like a space explorer (on a tropical planet)

Wear light, breathable fabrics as if you’re visiting the sunny beaches of Venus, at a safe distance from solar flares. Whites and pastels reflect solar radiation away, reducing the likelihood of you turning into a walking barbecue snack.

Hydration: The life force


Carry water with you like precious cargo on an interstellar mission. Hydrate as if you’ve just trekked across the desert plains of Mars. If possible, infuse your water with electrolytes — it’s like adding a shield booster to your health stats.


Time travel (sort of)


Avoid the high sun as if you were avoiding spoilers for the next big twist in the universe’s storyline. Travel in the early morning or late evening. The rest of the day? That’s for less thermally adventurous souls.


Portable fan: Your personal cooling system

In the absence of a small, personal force field generator, a portable fan can be a lifesaver. It’s like having your own little piece of breezy paradise. Some might say it’s as essential as the Guide itself.

Sunscreen: Your invisible force field

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