Wegotmail: Petition letter against: (Part 2)

Wegotmail Petition letter against Part 2
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While the idea that more jobs will be created for Filipinos as more and more foreign investors will put up businesses here sounds very promising, it IS NOT NECESSARILY TRUE. It is because these giant globalist corporations will only be EMPLOYING VERY MINIMAL HUMAN LABOR and will popularize the EMPLOYMENT OF A.I ROBOTS and the most advanced computerized machinery and equipment in their business operation.

Furthermore, allowing global corporations to own up to 100% of businesses here WILL LIKELY RESULT IN BANCRUPTCY OF SOME FILIPINO OWNED CORPORATIONS and SMEs as they are being swallowed by these giant globalist corporations. We fear that even the remaining government owned and controlled corporations might also be taken over by these WEF member trans-national corporations.


By amending the economic provisions of our existing constitution, you are also allowing the above-mentioned threats to our local businesses and GOCCs to happen which is A DIRECT BETRAYAL to your campaign promise that you WILL ACQUIRE BACK the GOCCs that were sold by the predecessors of your late father.


We also fear that as these WEF-member globalist corporations acquire vast tracts of lands for commercial purposes like what Bill Gates is doing in America, it will RESULT TO FURTHER DISPLACEMENTS OF OUR INDIGENOUS PEOPLES AND MUSLIM CULTURAL COMMUNITIES AS WELL AS DEGRADATION OF OUR ENVIRONMENT. OUR FOOD SECURITY AND OUR HEALTH WILL ALSO BE ENDANGERED as these corporations will now control food productions in our country using genetically modified organisms (GMOs) which have a lot of negative health effects.


Above all, WE, as advocates for peace, justice and national sovereignty, FIRMLY BELIEVE that amending the economic provisions of our constitution WILL PAVE THE WAY WITHOUT RESTRAINTS the advancements of the globalists’ new world order agenda in the Philippines.

As these global corporations dominates the public service sector especially telecommunications, transportation, energy, water, etc., they can now EASILY IMPOSE upon us the use of cashless digital payment system that we believe will eventually lead to what the Bible refers to as the mark of the beast without which you can no longer buy and sell. (Revelation 13). As a largely Bible-believing nation, we are privileged to have been warned by God of this evil scheme of satan so that we will not be deceived and suffer eternal condemnation of our souls in the lake of fire.

Unknown to many Filipinos, the Banko Sentral Ng Pilipinas is now pilot-testing the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) that is expected to be finished before 2024 ends. It is also no surprise that the BSP is now the one printing our biometric national digital ID instead of the Philippine Statistical Administration (PSA) so they can easily integrate with it the CBDC payment and banking mechanisms.


WE, STRONGLY BELIEVE that the Covid 19 pandemic was pre-planned not only to reduce the world’s population as agreed by world leaders at the 2015 New World Order Conference as exposed by former Malaysian Prime minister Mahatir Mohammad, but also to force all Filipinos to get connected and be dependent on virtual online social and economic transactions which is necessary to expedite the implementation of their own world cashless payment economy.

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