Johnson removed as PM because he didn’t eat cake, says Nadine Dorries | News

Boris Johnson Removed As Prime Minister For Not Eating A Piece Of Cake Says Nadine Dorries
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Boris Johnson was only removed as prime minister because he didn’t eat a piece of cake, Nadine Dorries has claimed.


The former Conservative MP was a guest on GB News on Sunday (14 April) to discuss her thoughts on Mr Johnson making a return to frontline politics.


Speaking to students in Washington, the former prime minister refused to rule out a political comeback amid ongoing speculation about his future.


Mr Johnson was forced out of Downing Street in 2022 following a series of scandals.


Ms Dorries said: “The only truthful reason why Boris Johnson was removed as prime minister was because he didn’t eat a piece of cake, that was brought to him at his desk for which he was given a fixed penalty notice for.”


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