Conservation breeding | The Manila Times

Conservation breeding | The Manila Times
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Dear PAO,


I have been an animal lover for so long, and I have found a new love for watching documentaries regarding wildlife. I am just curious if we have a law regarding the breeding of threatened species of animals.


Dear Soka,


Please be informed of Section 26 of Republic Act (RA) 9147, otherwise known as the Wildlife Resources Conservation and Protection Act, which states:


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“Section 24. Conservation Breeding or Propagation of Threatened Species shall be encouraged in order to enhance its population in its natural habitat. It shall be done simultaneously with the rehabilitation and/or protection of the habitat where the captive-bred or propagated species shall be released, reintroduced or restocked.

“Commercial breeding or propagation of threatened species may be allowed provided that the following minimum requirements are met by the applicant, to wit:


“Proven effective breeding and captive management techniques of the species; and Commitment to undertake commercial breeding in accordance with Section 17 of this Act, simultaneous with conservation breeding.

“The Secretary shall prepare a list of threatened species for commercial breeding and shall regularly revise or update such list or as the need arises.”

Based on the above-stated law, conservation breeding or propagation of threatened species is encouraged. If undertaken, it shall be done simultaneously with the rehabilitation and/or protection of the habitat where the captive-bred or propagated species shall be released, reintroduced or restocked. The law also mentioned that conservation breeding or propagation of threatened species is encouraged to enhance their population in their natural habitat.

However, if the breeding or propagation of threatened species will be done for commercial purposes, the following minimum requirements should be complied with: a.) there are proven effective breeding and captive management techniques of the species; b.) there must be a commitment to undertake commercial breeding in accordance with Section 17 of RA 9147, which means that a wildlife farm/culture permit must be secured, only progenies of wildlife raised, as well as unproductive parent stock, shall be utilized for trade, and an environmental impact study must be conducted; and c.) it must be done simultaneously with conservation breeding.

For the above purpose, the secretary of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources is mandated to prepare a list of threatened species for commercial breeding and shall regularly revise or update such list or as the need arises. Accordingly, the abovementioned law regulates the breeding of threatened species of animals, whether for conservation or commercial purposes.

We hope that we were able to answer your queries. This advice is based solely on the facts you have narrated and our appreciation of the same. Our opinion may vary when other facts are changed or elaborated on.

Editor’s note: Dear PAO is a daily column of the Public Attorney’s Office. Questions for Chief Acosta may be sent to [email protected].

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