US intelligence warns Iran strike on Israel ‘imminent’ as fears grow Middle East war could spiral into WW3

US intelligence warns Iran strike on Israel imminent as fears grow Middle East war could spiral into WW3
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IRAN or one of its proxies will launch an attack on Israel imminently, according to US intelligence.


Tehran has vowed to “punish” Israel with a revenge strike after several of its top commanders were killed in a blitz on its consulate in Syria.


Iran test-fires ballistic missile Ghadr during military exercisesCredit: AFP
Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has vowed to 'punish' Israel



Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has vowed to ‘punish’ IsraelCredit: Getty

It has stoked fears of an all-out war breaking out in the Middle East as any attack would mark a huge escalation in the region.

US intelligence now signals a strike by Iran or one of its terror proxies could unleash an assault on Israel within the coming days, Bloomberg reports.

Officials claimed an attack by Iran was seen as a matter of if, not when.

German airline Lufthansa said it had suspended flights to Tehran amid rising tensions.

Countries in the Middle East and the US have been on high alert and preparing for an attack by Iran since April 1 when suspected Israeli warplanes bombed the Iranian embassy in the Syria capital Damascus.

General Mohammad Reza Zahedi died alongside six senior members of Iran’s twisted terrorist army, the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps.

President Netanyahu‘s war cabinet has been locked in crunch meetings over fears that Iran will launch an assault.


Experts told The Sun that retaliation by Iran itself rather than behind the cloak of one of its proxies could spark a global war.

Iran’s main proxy is terror group Hezbollah, based in Lebanon.


On Wednesday, Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei branded Israel an “evil regime” as he vowed to “punish” the country.

WW3 fears loom as Iran’s Ayatollah vows Israel’s ‘evil regime will be PUNISHED’ in chilling speech before revenge strike

He said: “When they attack the consulate, it is as if they have attacked on our soil.

“The evil regime made a mistake and must be punished, and will be punished.”

Since the suspected Israeli bombing left at least 12 dead, Iran has been spewing increasingly potent verbal threats at its greatest foe.

Snarling Tehran President Ebrahim Rasi previously said Israel’s alleged blast “will not go unanswered”.

And thousands of Iranians have taken to the streets to burn Israeli and US flags while screaming “death” to them both in a display of fury over the embassy airstrike.

But Israeli foreign minister Israel Katz has insisted Israel will attack Iran should it carry out strikes.

He said: “If Iran attacks from its territory, Israel will respond and attack Iran.”

US Secretary of State Antony Blinken reassured Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant that the “US will stand with Israel against any threats by Iran and its proxies” in a call overnight.

Joe Biden also insisted American support for Israel is “ironclad” as he urged Irna not to strike.

He said: “As I told Prime Minister Netanyahu, our commitment to Israel security against these threats from Iran and its proxies is ironclad.

“Let me say it again: ironclad.

“We’re going to do all we can to protect Israel security.”

Joe Biden has insisted America's support for Israel is 'ironclad'


Joe Biden has insisted America’s support for Israel is ‘ironclad’Credit: Getty
Iranian protesters burn US and Israeli flags in Tehran


Iranian protesters burn US and Israeli flags in TehranCredit: Alamy

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