Moscow concert hall attack live updates: At least 40 dead after gunmen open fire in ‘terrorist attack’

Moscow concert hall attack live updates At least 40 dead after gunmen open fire in terrorist attack
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Police respond to reports of mass shooting at Moscow concert hall

Dozens of people are reported to have been killed and at least 100 injured after gunmen dressed in camouflage opened fire at a popular concert venue near Moscow.


The attack, involving at least four gunmen, sparked a huge fire at the Crocus City Hall, reportedly causing the roof to collapse, according to Russian state media.

Dramatic video footage showed concertgoers taking cover as shots and explosions were heard.

Some of those who tried to escape from the gunmen are thought to have fled to the basement, and others to the roof.


The attack happened as crowds gathered for a performance of a Russian rock band on Friday night.


Russia’s Federal Security Service said in a statement “all possible measures are being taken to provide assistance to those affected” by the shooting.


“The special services are carrying out active search measures following the emergency in the Crocus complex,” it added.


Moscow shooting – everything we know so far

Here’s what is known about the shooting so far:

-Unidentified gunmen opened fire at the Crocus City Hall in Krasnogorsk near Moscow on Friday evening during a concert of the band “Picnic”, Russian news agency TASS reported.

-The Baza news outlet, which is thought to have good contacts with Russian security services, said 18 people had died and 43 had been wounded in the attack. Authorities had not released an official death toll as of 1900 GMT.

-The Interfax news agency reported up to five gunmen were involved in the attack.

-Russian prosecutors called the attack “an act of terrorism” and have opened a criminal case.

-An eyewitness told Reuters reporters outside the venue that automatic weapons had been used.

-Video posted online by Russian news agencies showed billowing clouds of smoke and flames rising from the venue building.

-TASS reported that people remained inside the building, which is almost completely engulfed in flames and that others were trapped on the roof.

-Special units of Russia’s national guard as well as police and firefighters are on the scene, TASS said.

-Moscow’s mayor cancelled all large-scale public events over the weekend.

Matt Mathers22 March 2024 19:23


Children among wounded

Children are among those injured in the shooting and fire at the Crocus City Hall centre, Russia’s state-owned RIA news agency reported, citing Moscow’s children’s ombudsman.

Guards at the concert hall did not have guns, and some could have been killed at the start of the attack, Russian media reported.

Jane Dalton22 March 2024 21:00



With an eye on Russia’s war in neighboring Ukraine, Poland readies a new self-defense law

Poland’s government has prepared new legislation to boost the nation’s capacity for self-defense, including more funding for first aid courses, better public warning systems, and more emergency shelters, officials said Friday.

Ministers of defense and of the interior said the bill was prompted by the war that neighboring Ukraine is fighting against Russia’s aggression. Russia has recently captured territory in the east, while Ukraine is running critically low on ammunition.

Tom Watling22 March 2024 21:00


More than 100 people injured

The number of people injured has now been estimated to be at least 100.

Russian state news agency Tass has cited Russia’s Federal Security Service as saying 40 people had been killed and more than 100 wounded.

Jane Dalton22 March 2024 20:40


US embassy in Russia tells citizens to follow advice of authorities

The US embassy in Russia has told citizens to follow the advice of authorities following the shooting at a popular concert hall.

“The embassy is aware of reports of an ongoing terrorist incident at Crocus City Hall in Krasnogorsk, near Moscow,” it said in a statement.

“US citizens should avoid the area and follow instructions of local authorities.

“The US government’s ability to provide routine or emergency services to US citizens in Russia is severely limited, particularly in areas far from the US embassy in Moscow, due to Russian government limitations on travel for US embassy personnel and staffing, and the ongoing suspension of operations, including consular services, at US consulates in Russia.”

US citizens are advised against all travel to Russia.

Matt Mathers22 March 2024 20:12


Moscow shooting: in pictures




(AFP via Getty Images)

Matt Mathers22 March 2024 20:04


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Live: Moscow concert hall on fire following deadly shooting

Matt Mathers22 March 2024 19:59


Watch: Police respond to reports of mass shooting at Moscow concert hall

Police respond to reports of mass shooting at Moscow concert hall

Matt Mathers22 March 2024 19:58


Yulia Navalnaya expresses condolences to victims of shooting near Moscow

Yulia Navalnaya, widow of Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, on Friday expressed condolences to the victims of the shooting at the Crocus City Hall concert centre near Moscow.

All those involved in this crime must be found and brought to justice, Navalnaya wrote on her account on the X social network X.

Matt Mathers22 March 2024 19:46

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