Kate Middleton news: Princess of Wales spotted shopping with William as friends say she may soon speak about health

Kate Middleton news Princess of Wales spotted shopping with William as friends say she may soon speak about health
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Princess Kate ‘reassuring’ Mother’s Day image ‘done completely opposite’, says royal biographer

Kate Middleton looked “happy and healthy” as she was spotted alongside Prince William doing a spot of shopping near her Adelaide Cottage home, according to reports.


The Prince and Princess of Wales were seen at one of their favourite farm shops on Saturday, around a mile away from their home set within the grounds of Windsor Home Park, a delighted onlooker told The Sun.

It comes as the Kate was forced to skip a St Patrick’s Day parade as she continues her recovery from abdominal surgery.

Her health condition has not yet been revealed to the public but her friends claimed she may soon speak out about her ailment in a bid to quell the spurious rumours that have circulated in her absence.


Those close to Kate and William said the couple will disclose more information about her recovery in due course, according to The Sunday Times, which reported her return to royal duties should come after April 17.


A source told the newspaper: “They are at their most open when out interacting with members of the public and I can see a world in which the princess might discuss her recovery out on engagements. If she was going to do it, that’s how she would do it.”

The apparent appearance followed a public backlash after the Cambridge’s decision to share a family photograph edited by Kate on Mother’s Day.


ICYMI – Piers Morgan claims he has heard ‘alarming things’ about Kate Middleton

Piers Morgan has weighed in on the Kate Middleton photo-editing conspiracy saying he has heard “alarming things.”

Read the full story here…

Lydia Patrick18 March 2024 09:45


‘Meghan as narcissistic as Duchess of Windsor,’ biographer claims

A royal biographer has hit out at Meghan Markle, labelling her as narcissistic, controlling and dominating as the Duchess of Windsor.

Sally Bedell Smith, an “authorised” royal biographer, has compared Meghan to Wallis Simpson, an American socialite who married King Edward VIII.

As a divorcée, the decision for her to marry a monarch led to a constitutional crisis, and triggered Edward’s abdication.

The American writer whose latest book investigates how King George VI “saved the monarchy” after the abdication and draws parallels between the Windsors in the 1930s and the Sussexes now.

Bedell Smith said Meghan is as “narcissistic, controlling and dominating” ad the Duchess of Windsor while Harry is as “weak” as the Duke of Windsor.

(FILES) Britain’s Meghan, Duchess of Sussex, attends the “Keynote: Breaking Barriers, Shaping Narratives:

(AFP via Getty Images)

Lydia Patrick18 March 2024 09:15


In focus – The uncomfortable truth about Kate and William that nobody wants to admit

TMZ, the USA’s behemoth showbiz site, insisted the palace has “got caught in a lie … confidence is shot”. Time magazine ran a similar editorial: “The royal family has a trust problem.” Both have a point, but Kensington Palace doesn’t see it like that. And nor do Britain’s supposedly attack-dog tabloids.

The same day America demanded accountability, The Sun newspaper urged its readers to “Lay off Kate” and an unusually rueful Daily Mail mused “How did Kate’s photo become a PR disaster?”

Read the full piece by Tessa Dunlop here…

The uncomfortable truth about Kate and William nobody wants to admit

With the memory of their mother still casting a long shadow, both Harry and William are determined to do things their own way. But, asks Tessa Dunlop, after a week of turmoil and many questions left unanswered, does this spell trouble in a world where there are now more palaces than major royal players?

Lydia Patrick18 March 2024 09:00


Kate Middleton speaks out as she misses St Patrick’s Day celebrations amid recovery from surgery

Read the full story here…

Lydia Patrick18 March 2024 08:30



Watch – Royal family ‘perilously close to 11th hour’, says Princess Diana’s close friend

Royal family ‘perilously close to 11th hour’, says Princess Diana’s close friend

The royal family is “perilously close” to its 11th hour, a close friend of Princess Diana has claimed. Richard Kay, “a very good friend” of the late Princess of Wales, is said to have issued a warning in an article published in the Daily Mail, claiming the family needs to get their “act together or lose public confidence”. Royal commentator Michael Cole said that although Mr Kay’s concerns are “valid”, the royals have gone through “much worse”. In a GB News interview on Sunday (17 March), Mr Cole said: “We do have to look at it with hindsight and history, because all of us here, lived through the first week of Septemeber, 1997 – after the terrible death of Diana. “The atmosphere in London that week was very strange indeed, the queen feared she would be booed when she came down from Balmoral.”

Lydia Patrick18 March 2024 08:00



ICYMI – Kate and William spotted at Windsor farm shop

The Prince and Princess of Wales were spotted looking “happy and healthy” at a farm shop near their Windsor home on Saturday, the Sun reports.

The trip out reportedly came after the pair spent the morning watching their children George, Charlotte and Louis take part in sports.

A witness at the farm shop one mile away from their Adelaide Cottage home told the paper: “After all the rumours that had been going round I was stunned to see them there. Kate was out shopping with William and she looked happy and she looked well.

“The kids weren’t with them but it’s such a good sign she was healthy enough to pop down to the shops.”

The sighting comes as the princess has been subject to unfounded conspiracy theories about her health in recent weeks.

She has been absent from the public eye as she continues her recovery from abdominal surgery she underwent in January.

Lydia Patrick18 March 2024 07:30


Full report: Everything ‘wrong’ with Kate Middleton’s Mother’s Day photo as princess admits it was edited

A family photo released for Mother’s Day is at the centre of a royal row sparked over concerns it had been “manipulated”.

Here’s a full report on everything wrong with the picture:

Athena Stavrou18 March 2024 07:00


ICYMI: Friends of Kate say she may ‘address health on public engagements’

Friends of the Princess of Wales say she may speak about her health on public engagements, it has been reported.

Kate underwent surgery at the London Clinic on January 16, but details of her condition have been kept private, and she is not expected to return to official duties until after Easter.

Those close to Kate and the Prince of Wales say the couple will disclose more information about her recovery in due course, according to The Sunday Times, which reports her return is expected after April 17.

A source told the newspaper: “They are at their most open when out interacting with members of the public and I can see a world in which the princess might discuss her recovery out on engagements. If she was going to do it, that’s how she would do it.”

A friend reportedly said: “They will want to be clear and more open, but they’ll do it when they feel ready. I would expect that to be her instinct and it will be her call. They’re not going to be rushed.”

Athena Stavrou18 March 2024 06:00


Kate to continue issuing pictures

The Prince and Princess of Wales intend to continue releasing photographs marking their children’s birthdays after Kate apologised for editing a family photo on Mother’s Day.

Prince Louis turns six on April 23 and sources close to the couple told The Sunday Times no “firm decision” has been taken yet on whether Kate will be behind the camera.

“They appreciate the public’s love and affection for their children and know there is a public appetite to see them on their birthdays,” an aide told the paper.

It comes after a family photo issued by Kensington Palace was withdrawn with a “Kill” notice by international picture agencies and the UK’s PA news agency.

Kate apologised after concerns were raised over a missing part of Princess Charlotte’s sleeve and the misaligned edge of her skirt, with other speculation including the positioning of Kate’s zip.

Kensington Palace declined to comment.

Athena Stavrou18 March 2024 04:00


ICYMI: Kate edited photo to make ‘family look the best they can’

The Princess of Wales edited the infamous Mother’s Day photo because she was trying to make her family “look the best they can”, a friend claimed.

The picture issued by Kensington Palace was withdrawn with a “Kill” notice by international picture agencies and the UK’s PA news agency after concerns were raised over a missing part of Princess Charlotte’s sleeve and the misaligned edge of her skirt.

A source told The Sunday Times: “It’s a photo that she knew everyone would pore over so she pored over it herself — she likes trying to make the family look the best they can.”


Athena Stavrou18 March 2024 03:00

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