Two killed as National Guard helicopter crashes near border in Texas

Two killed as National Guard helicopter crashes near border in Texas
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At least twp people have been killed after a US National Guard helicopter crashed on the Texas southern border, according to reports.


The incident occurred near La Grulla, Texas, located about 40 miles west of the border city of McAllen, on Friday, two National Guard sources confirmed to CBS News.

There were casualties in the crash, US defense officials told the outlet, but the exact number of fatalities and possible injuries is yet to be confirmed. The circumstances of the crash remain unclear.


Multiple outlets reported that two people had been killed in the incident.


The crashed chopper was a UH-72 Lakota, and was reportedly operating under federal authority. It is believed there were four people on board at the time of the crash.


Starr County Sheriff’s Department said the incident had occurred around 5pm local time and that its deputies were assisting with the downed helicopter incident which involved “possibly four occupants.”

More information will be provided as it becomes available, the department wrote online.

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