Three funeral parlours in Yorkshire raided by police over ‘concern for care of deceased’

Three funeral parlours in Yorkshire raided by police over concern for care of deceased
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Police have raided three funeral parlours across Yorkshire over “concerns for the care of the deceased”.


Humberside Police said there are currently police cordons in place and officers in attendance at premises of Legacy Independent Funeral Directors after the report was received on Wednesday evening.

Detective chief superintendent Simon Gawthorpe said: “Whilst we are in the very early stages of our investigation, I completely understand this information will be of concern to a number of families and individuals who have lost loved ones and have utilised the services of this business.

“We have already been in contact with a number of people as part of our investigation and working closely with His Majesties Coroner, Hull City Council and East Riding Council to establish the facts.


“I would encourage anyone to please call us, as we are very mindful of the distress this may cause. A direct telephone line has been established for anyone who is worried or wants to speak to us about Legacy Independent Funeral Directors.


“The number you can call is 0800 051 4674 or if you’re calling from abroad please call 0207 126 7619 or you can submit information through our Major Incident Portal (MIPP):

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