Expelled congressman George Santos announces he is re-running for Congress after turning up at SOTU

Expelled congressman George Santos announces he is re running for Congress after turning up at SOTU
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Expelled New York Congressman George Santos — who made a surprise appearance at the State of the Union — announced he is running for office again in 2024.


“New York hasn’t had a real conservative represent them since I left office arbitrarily, thanks to RINO, empty suits like @nicklalota,” Mr Santos wrote on X. “He is a willing to risk the future of our majority and the future of this country for his own political gain.”

“Tonight, I want to announce that I will be returning to the arena of politics and challenging Nick for the battle over #NY1,” he continued. “I look forward to debating him on the issues and on his weak record as a Republican. The fight for our majority is imperative for the survival of the country.”


The announcement came in the middle of President Joe Biden’s State of the Union speech.


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