Is Marcos associate involved in protecting big-time rice cartel?

Is Marcos associate involved in protecting big time rice cartel
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A close Marcos associate has launched a PR campaign to create a favorable impression of him as a so-called “anti-graft crusader.” Several people are laughing hard right now because this associate is reportedly doing this PR to protect seven big-time rice smugglers, reportedly his close friends. The fact is, two of these biggies are regular attendees of his lavish parties. These people allegedly finance this associate’s PR to show that he is not leaving any stone unturned in his quest to cleanse a sub-department of “misfits.” The truth is farther from reality—this associate and his party friends are raking in so much profit to the detriment of the people.


Why not go after these scumbags once and for all so that we bring the price of rice to its true retail value? These people are unconscionable. They think that since they have several friends in high places, they can do what they want. Despite all Congressional, Senatorial, and what-have-you investigations, no one among these rice smugglers and cartel members was ever prosecuted, arrested, and jailed. They are the scum of this earth, if you ask me. It’s probably okay if those affected are the wealthier segments of our population, but my goodness, we are talking about a hundred million souls here, every day, experiencing malnutrition just because of the high prices of goods. And no one among our leaders is precisely paying much attention.

Do we need a social volcano to explode before these scumbags realize what the people mandate them to do? I think we desperately need one.


When people arm themselves, their voices are heard, according to my friend. Do the people need to arm themselves and shout themselves hoarse before these leaders take note of their suffering? Since we are a very religious people, we often say leave everything to God. Okay. God is a vengeful one, a God of Justice. He sees this injustice, and it will not be long before God acts against these people.


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