Moises: Lied through her promotion

Moises Lied through her promotion
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@MILEY: I’m caught in a dilemma of my own making. I lied on my CV when I applied as an agent. I am not a college graduate. At that time, I was desperate for a job. My baby was a few months old when her father and I mutually decided to separate. We figured there was no point getting married just because we have a child. My daughter and I have survived beautifully since. I am a single parent. My career also flourished. This year, I was promoted to operations manager, a role necessitating a college degree. Now months into the position, the transition is successful. But the lie is haunting me. The company has been good to me. Should I right the wrong? Or just wait for them to find out?


DJ: Come clean. The company is treating you right. The reality is, you scored the job, then the promotion and the accompanying compensation because you lied about having a degree. The repercussions of this big reveal could differ based on stuff like the company’s stance on integrity, existing policies, your track record and the quality of succession plan or the caliber of candidates in the mix.

Though your CV isn’t exactly a legally binding document, your contract may have included a section where you affirmed that all the info on your application is legit. If this is the case, there are possible legal problems you can face if your big lie comes to light. I do see you faced tough circumstances. The phrase “desperate times call for desperate measures” does ring true. But as we both know, my new friend, wrongdoing is wrongdoing. And there are consequences.

Pardon my directness. While I do get the bind you were in, I’m also thinking about the unfair advantage you had by misrepresenting your qualifications over other potential candidates who may be just as competent and diligent. We both know we also have to take into account the fairness owed to your colleagues who have worked just as hard. There’s no better way than righting it.


Be ready with Plan B asap. Have you explored the Expanded Tertiary Education Equivalency and Accreditation Program or ETEEAP? It’s a comprehensive educational assessment program that recognizes, accredits and gives equivalencies to knowledge, skills, attitudes and values gained through relevant work experience. If you’ve worked for at least five years in a field or industry related to the academic program you aim to pursue, ETEEAP could be an option worth considering. I recommend reaching out to either the University of Cebu or the University of San Jose-Recoletos for further information.


I also suggest you look for other job prospects in case the discussion with your manager doesn’t go as hoped. How substantial is your savings? As a single parent, I understand the need to have enough resources to support both you and your daughter’s needs. Once you’re prepared, you can talk to your manager. Be transparent about why you misrepresented your qualifications. But take full responsibility without making excuses. Share the lessons you’ve gleaned from this experience and earnestly request for a second chance to prove your trustworthiness. Regardless of the outcome, express gratitude to your manager and the company for the opportunity they’ve provided.


The longer you sit on it, the worse it will be. You have a good future ahead of you. What will you do when you’re promoted as vice president for example? The repercussions can be far reaching. How many more lies do you have to make to cover the lie? No one is perfect. I am in no position to judge you. We all sin differently. I do believe that honest people aren’t necessarily people who are never dishonest. They are people who regret their moments of dishonesty, are learning the lesson and are willing to right the wrong.

We all mess up. And what the world needs more are people like you who strive to become a better person because of it. All the best!

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