Tory and SNP MPs walk out of Commons in protest at Speaker in Gaza ceasefire vote

Tory and SNP MPs walk out of Commons in protest at Speaker in Gaza ceasefire vote
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MPs have called for an “immediate humanitarian ceasefire” after chaotic scenes in the House of Commons when Conservative and SNP MPs walked out of the chamber in protest over the Speaker’s handling of the Gaza ceasefire debate.


Sir Lindsay Hoyle was forced to apologise to MPs when he faced calls to quit.

Commons Leader and Tory MP Penny Mordaunt accused him of hijacking the debate and undermining the confidence of the House in its longstanding rules by selecting Labour’s bid to amend an SNP motion calling for an “immediate ceasefire” in Gaza and Israel.

It had been expected Sir Lindsay would select just the government amendment seeking an “immediate humanitarian pause” to the Israel-Hamas conflict, which could pave the way for a more permanent stop in fighting.


The Commons descended into chaos during a debate on the war in Gaza


(Parliament TV)

But instead, he decided the Commons would first vote on Labour’s calls for an “immediate humanitarian ceasefire” before moving on to further votes on the SNP’s original motion, and then the government’s proposals if either of the first two were to fail to garner enough support.

Labour’s amendment backing an “immediate humanitarian ceasefire” was later approved.

Sir Lindsay had been warned by House of Commons Clerk Tom Goldsmith about the unprecedented nature of his decision before the clash with MPs, the senior official saying he felt “compelled to point out that long-established conventions are not being followed in this case”.

The Speaker faced calls to resign over his decision, which sparked uproar in the chamber and shouts of “bring back Bercow” – referring to his predecessor, John Bercow.

Ms Mordaunt said he had “raised temperatures” and put MPs in a “more difficult position”.

Sir Lindsay announces his decision on amendments to the SNP’s Gaza ceasefire motion

(PA Wire)

Amid shouts of “resign” from some MPs, Sir Lindsay later told the Commons: “I thought I was doing the right thing and the best thing, and I regret it, and I apologise for how it’s ended up.

“I do take responsibility for my actions, and that’s why I want to meet with the key players who have been involved.”

Shouts of “resign” could be heard from both sides of the House.

Conservative MP William Wragg, who called for Sir Lindsay to resign, later tried to make the House of Commons sit in private.

Mr Wragg that ministers wanted to sign his motion of no confidence in the Speaker.

Shadow Commons leader Lucy Powell said the government did not have the numbers for a majority on their motion, as she defended Sir Lindsay.


Ms Powell told MPs: “Last time I looked, the government benches had a majority in this House, so if they don’t like the amendments that are before them, they could vote this evening to defeat those amendments.

“But they have decided now not to, I understand, vote in those debates. So perhaps we have to ask the question whether or not they do still command a majority in this House this evening, or whether they are trying to hide behind some other reason?”

MPs had called for the Speaker to return to the Commons to explain his decisions ahead of the walkout.

Suggestions that the Speaker was influenced by threats from senior Labour figures to call the Opposition’s amendment in the Gaza debate were wrong, Deputy Speaker Dame Rosie Winterton said.

Conservative MP Philip Davies referred to a tweet saying that senior Labour figures were told the Speaker was warned Labour would “bring him down” after the general election unless he called Labour’s Gaza amendment.

Amid shouts of “shocking” and jeers from Tory MPs, he added: “Can you assure the House that everything will be done to identify who it was that put that intolerable pressure on the House of Commons Speaker?”

Dame Rosie replied: “That tweet is wrong and the statement is incorrect.”

Conservative former ministers were among the MPs suggesting the votes in the Gaza debate should be run again.

Responding to Commons Leader Penny Mordaunt, Sir Lindsay said: “Today’s debate was exceptional in its intensity with which all parties wished to secure a vote.”

Sir Lindsay said his decision had been taken with “the right intentions”.

People with Palestinian flags queued to get into Parliament for the Gaza vote

(Getty Images)

He said the decision was intended to allow the House “the widest range of propositions on which to express a view”, adding: “I wanted to do the best, and it was my wish… to do the best by every member of this House.”

He went on: “The danger is… that that’s why I wanted everybody to express… because I am very, very concerned about the security of all members… I was very concerned, I am still concerned, and that’s why the meetings I have had today is about the security of members, their families and the people that are involved.

“And I’ve got to say, I regret how it’s ended up. It was not my intention. I wanted all to ensure they could express their views and all sides of the House could vote. As it was, in particular the SNP were ultimately unable to vote on their proposition.

“I am, and I regret… with my sadness, that it’s ended up… in this position. That was never my intention for it to end like this. I was absolutely convinced that the decision was done with the right intentions.”

Helen McEachern, chief executive of Care International UK, said she was dismayed by the “political theatrics” over parliamentary procedure that did nothing to help the people of Gaza.

“Without an immediate sustained ceasefire, they will not receive the food, water and medical supplies needed to save lives and prevent further injuries,” she said.

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