Valentine’s Day Self-Care and Beyond

Nurturing Your Well being Valentines Day Self Care and Beyond
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Making responsible choices, especially concerning your future, is crucial.


This holds particularly true in the realm of sexual activity, where the consequences can be profound on physical, emotional, and legal levels for teenagers. Prioritizing safety, consent, and open communication is paramount in any sexual encounter.

A recent study conducted by the University of the Philippines Population Institute (UPPI) provides valuable insights. Their Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality Study (YAFS5), recognized as the most comprehensive repository of data concerning the sexual and reproductive health of young individuals, reveals a notable decline in teenage pregnancy rates.

According to the study, the percentage of adolescent women aged 15-19 who have initiated childbearing saw a significant decrease, plummeting from 13.7 percent in 2013 to 6.8 percent in 2021.


The Commission on Population and Development (CPD) attributes this positive shift in part to sustained government efforts, in collaboration with civil society and development partners, aimed at curbing adolescent pregnancies. These endeavors likely encompassed educational initiatives, awareness campaigns, and enhanced access to reproductive health services.


The decrease in teenage pregnancies underscores the effectiveness of informed decision-making and access to relevant information. Opting to postpone sexual activity enables young individuals to concentrate on their education, personal growth, and future aspirations. Moreover, comprehending consent and adopting safe sex practices are vital for safeguarding both physical and emotional welfare.

It’s crucial to bear in mind that making informed choices empowers individuals to forge a brighter path for themselves. Always prioritize your safety and well-being when navigating decisions concerning your sexual health.

Despite the decline in teenage pregnancy rates, attributed to factors such as decreased premarital sexual activity and improved contraceptive use, a concerning trend has emerged: a rise in live births among very young adolescents, particularly those aged 10-14 years old. This information is based on data from the Commission on Population and Development (CPD) and Civil Registry and Vital Statistics (CRVS).

This underscores the need for increased vigilance, especially with Valentine’s Day approaching. This holiday can evoke curiosity among young individuals, who may perceive it as a time synonymous with romantic gestures, potentially leading to risky sexual behaviors and early pregnancies.

To navigate this season and beyond safely, remember these crucial points:

  1. Love doesn’t require sexual activity: True love and affection can be expressed in
    many ways, without the pressure to engage in sex.
  2. Consent is key (walang pilitan): Always ensure both partners have clear and
    enthusiastic consent before any sexual activity. Open and honest communication with
    your partner is crucial. Discuss boundaries, desires, and expectations beforehand to
    ensure that you both feel comfortable and respected. Consent is non-negotiable
  3. Prioritize your safety and well-being: Don’t feel pressured to engage in activities
    that make you uncomfortable or unsafe.
  4. Protect yourself (matutong magbasa-basa at magtanong): Educate yourself
    about safe sex practices and use reliable contraception, if applicable.
  5. Consider emotional readiness (ready ka na ba talaga?): Sexuality is not just
    physical; it involves emotional intimacy as well. Make sure you and your partner are
    emotionally ready for the potential consequences of sexual activity, such as feelings of
    attachment or regret.
  6. Use protection (dapat protektado ka): If you decide to have sex, always use
    protection to prevent unwanted pregnancy and reduce the risk of STIs. Condoms are
    highly effective when used correctly and consistently.
  7. Avoid pressure (huwag mo munang isuko ang Bataan kung kinakailangan):
    Never feel pressured into sexual activity by your partner or anyone else. It’s okay to say
    no, and your boundaries should always be respected.
  8. Get tested (huwag mahiya at magpa-test): If you’ve been sexually active before or
    plan to be, consider getting tested for STIs regularly, even if you don’t have any
    symptoms. Many STIs can be asymptomatic but still pose health risks.
  9. Know the legal implications (may mga batas ukol rito): Be aware of the legal age
    of consent in your area and understand the potential legal consequences of engaging in
    sexual activity with someone under the age of consent.
  10. Plan ahead (anong balak mo?): If you anticipate being sexually active, make a
    plan for contraception and protection beforehand. Keep condoms or other
    contraceptives on hand and know how to use them correctly.
  11. Seek support and guidance (makinig sa mga payo): If you have questions or
    concerns about sex, relationships, or sexual health, don’t hesitate to seek guidance
    from a trusted adult, healthcare provider, or a reputable source of information.

Always keep in mind that your well-being comes first. Whether it’s Valentine’s Day or any other occasion, celebrate in a manner that honors both yourself and others. Opt for responsible decisions that emphasize your safety and long-term prospects.

Bear in mind that engaging in sexual activity is a significant choice that warrants careful consideration and responsibility. Your health, safety, and overall well-being should consistently take precedence. If you’re uncertain or uneasy, it’s perfectly acceptable to hold off until you feel more assured and ready.

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Responsible Sexuality

The Philippine Information Agency – National Capital Region (PIA-NCR) will kick off its webinar and in-person seminar series for students of Tanza National High School in Navotas City on February 14. Among the key topics to be addressed is “Responsible Sexuality and Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention.”

The guest speaker from the Commission on Population and Development – National Capital Region (CPD-NCR) will focus on instilling the right attitude and behavior among the students. This includes understanding consent, practicing safe sex, making informed decisions regarding sexual activity, and fostering respect for oneself and others.

Additionally, CPD will elaborate on strategies and values such as communication skills, self-esteem, and healthy relationships. These are essential tools that can empower young individuals to reduce unintended pregnancies and enhance their overall well-being.

CPD recently issued an appeal to Filipinos to play their part in combating early pregnancies, emphasizing that addressing this issue is a national priority.

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