Vegetarian Vs Vegan Vs Pescatarian: The Differences

Vegetarian Vs Vegan Vs Pescatarian The Differences
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Are there any other health benefits to these diets?
Due to vegan, vegetarian, and pescatarian diets all eliminating meat, there could possibly be benefits to your heart health. Studies have revealed that eating high amounts of red meat could be associated with an increased risk of heart disease and higher risks of certain types of cancers.
In addition, there is other research that suggests reducing your red meat intake could also be linked to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes and improve control of blood sugars.
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It’s also worth remembering that a pescatarian diet includes fish and seafood, which is a great source of essential nutrients like omega-3. Whilst those eating a vegan and vegetarian diet can get omega-3 from certain plant-based foods, it’s not as active in your body.
Vegan, vegetarian or pescatarian: which is the right one for you?
Now ladies, we’ve given you a bunch of information to help you decide which diet is best for you. However, this is still completely up to you! The diet you follow should take into account your health goals, needs and preferences. Whilst a vegan diet shows some promising results for weight loss and reduced greenhouse emissions, it does require some planning and can be quite restrictive. Therefore, you may find that a vegetarian diet, offering many of the same benefits but with more flexibility may be the right diet.
Alternatively, a pescatarian diet might make it much easier to increase your intake of nutrients, such as B12 and omega-3, whilst also reducing your meat consumption.
Overall, they all offer similar health and environmental benefits, and again it’s all dependent on your goals, needs, and preferences.
Well, ladies, there it is, the similarities and differences between vegan, vegetarian, and pescatarian diets. We’re sure that you’ll absolutely crush your goals, no matter which diet you choose!
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The post Vegetarian vs Vegan vs Pescatarian: The Differences appeared first on PhenGold.


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