Alexei Navalny’s ‘body with investigators’ after claims he was murdered by Putin – as his death is confirmed

Alexei Navalnys body with investigators after claims he was murdered by Putin as his death is confirmed
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ALEXEI Navalny’s death has been confirmed as officials say “his body is with investigators”.


People have made claims that Navalny was actually killed on the direct orders of Putin by someone in prison.


Alexei Navalny has been confirmed as deadCredit: Copyright 2017 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

He died at 14:17 local time on February 16, according to a document given to Navalny’s mother, Lyudmila.


Prison authorities in Russia said Navalny fell unconscious and died after a walk at the feared “Polar Wolf” jail where he was serving a three-decade sentence.

Navalny, Putin’s leading domestic critic in Russia, had bravely challenged the tyrant’s rule and his horrific war in Ukraine.


Many of his supporters had fears that he would be assassinated while behind bars for his strong support from the public outside of prison.

Many are suspicious by the circumstances surrounding his death after he was seen laughing and joking with a judge on a video call Thursday.

His family also said he was in good health when they visited him in jail just three days before his death.

Respected Russian political analyst Ekaterina Shulman told Bild in Russian: “We don’t have too many reasons to suspect a natural death.”

He had been “cheerful and healthy” in the days before his death.


His body is now with investigators as they look for the cause of death.

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