Enrile memes flood social media as politician turns 100

Enrile memes flood social media as politician turns 100
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MEMES about Juan Ponce Enrile resurfaced on social media on Wednesday, Feb. 14, 2024, the day the chief presidential legal counsel turned 100 years old.


A meme shared on Reddit shows a manipulated image of Enrile standing next to “a juvenile Tyrannosaurus rex — circa 65,000,000 B.C.”

This meme is Enrile’s favorite, his granddaughter Tiana Kocher told entertainment reporters in Manila earlier this week. A meme is a humorous content shared online.

In another meme, Enrile is seen walking with a group of men in battle gear following Captain America as they infiltrated the weapons facility of Hydra, a terrorist organization and the superhero’s archenemy in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.


Kocher said her grandfather is aware of the memes about him on social media.


The Office of the President (OP) greeted Enrile on its Facebook page Wednesday.

“Your tireless efforts in serving our country are a constant inspiration to us all. Wishing you a year filled with joy and good health!” read the OP’s message.

President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. appointed Enrile as the chief presidential legal counsel in 2022.

A native of Cagayan in northeastern Luzon, Enrile started his career as a lawyer after graduating from the University of the Philippines in 1953.


In 1970, Marcos’ father and namesake appointed Enrile as defense minister. Enrile is considered one of the architects of martial law, which was declared by Marcos Sr. on Sept. 21, 1972.

Enrile and then armed forces chief Fidel Ramos played a role in ousting the Marcos Sr. dictatorship — their announcement of support to Corazon Aquino following the fraud-riddled presidential elections of 1986 sparked the People Power Revolution on Feb. 22-25 that same year, forcing the Marcoses into exile.

Enrile served as senator on multiple terms — 1987 to 1992, 1995 to 2001, 2004 to 2010, and 2010 to 2016.

His daughter Katrina Ponce Enrile is one of the officials of the family’s Jaka Food Processing Corp., which produces Delimondo canned corned beef.

Senate President Juan Miguel Zubiri posted a picture on his Faceboook together with Enrile at Malacañang on Wednesday.

“One of my great mentors and my boss during the 14th Congress when I was his majority leader during his Senate presidency,” Zubiri said.

The lawmaker from Bukidnon, apparently knowledgeable about the Enrile memes, further said: “May you live another 100 years Manong Johnny and thank you for all the life lessons you have taught me. Mabuhay!”

Even though he is already a wealthy politician, Enrile is expected to receive P100,000 as mandated by Republic Act 10868, or the Centenarians Act of 2016.

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