Here’s Your Horoscope for the Week of February 5

Weekly Horoscope
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Weekly Horoscope

Aries (March 21 to April 19)

Raw emotions are spilling out of you and you’re struggling to control them. You must learn to face them and let them go to make space for new possibilities. Appreciate the beautiful moments that have happened to you so far! By focusing on the positives, you will let clarity and grace in. Depend on your loved ones to lift you up when you’re down.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) 

You may have lost confidence over certain setbacks and you’re starting to question now if you’re on the right path. Take a deep breath and refocus on the positives, particularly on what’s going well for you now, to shake off the doubts in your mind. Believe in your capabilities to bring your dreams to life! Stay committed to your intentions; you’ll get to where you need to be in time.

Gemini (May 21 – June 21)

You are almost at the finish line! However, you are faced with obstacles along the way that are hindering you from achieving your final goal. You must trust yourself and your skills that you will get through this. Get creative and don’t give up! Remember that you can always take breaks to replenish your energy and that you can rely on trusted peers for help.

Cancer (June 22 – July 22)

You are struggling to make a decision right now as plenty of choices lie before you. Try to get as much information as you can, weigh out the pros and cons, and consult trusted peers on what to do. Most importantly, ask yourself what your heart wants. Listen to your intuition and be kind to yourself! Trust that your heart knows what’s best for you.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

You’ve managed to achieve your goals through hard work and persistence, but now you’re feeling overwhelmed by what to do next. Remember that you don’t have to do it all on your own! Don’t carry all that weight on your shoulders. Let people help you. Prioritize what you enjoy doing too so that it doesn’t feel like work. Life is too short to do things just to please others.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

You are in complete control of your life right now thanks to decisions you’ve made towards stability. Keep making goals for yourself and committing to them to flourish even further. Remember to enjoy the fruits of your labor too from time to time. You deserve to celebrate! Don’t think that you need to deprive yourself of such joys just to maintain the level of your financial wealth.

(In case you missed it: Goodbye January, Hello February! Here’s Your Horoscope for the Week of January 29)

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Disappointing setbacks have led you to strongly reevaluate all areas of your life. It’s okay to give yourself a moment to feel bad but don’t wallow! Learn to forgive yourself and those who wronged you. Avoiding change will only prolong the inevitable. Heal and grow from your experiences. There will always be a light at the end of this dark tunnel. So chin up and keep moving forward.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

You are celebrating success after having faced and overcome a difficult challenge. You feel that your talents are being appreciated, and yet you think that things are still moving far too slowly for you. Be patient! Don’t let impulsive actions lead you to make careless mistakes. Allow things to unfold naturally and see where the tides take you. For now, appreciate the good that’s in your life!

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Light a fire to your ideas and bring them to life! By creating goals for yourself with clarity and vision, you will empower not just yourself but those around you. Be direct and straight to the point with what you want to do and don’t stop until you get to where you want to be. Your long-term goals will be reached in no time and when that happens, celebrate, take the load off, and relish the fruits of your hard labor!

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

You feel that people are now taking notice of your success and acknowledging your talents, and yet you can’t help but want more recognition. Humble yourself down and focus on what’s important, which is achieving your goals and not impressing others. Being “the best” shouldn’t define your self-worth. Take a look back at where you came from so you can be proud of how far you’ve come!

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Crafting your artistry takes passion, patience, and grit and you must have confidence that it’ll all be worth it in the end. Learn by doing, stay committed, and be up for challenges that may come your way. Trust your insight too and listen to your intuition. Be open-minded about new experiences and let vulnerability be your strength!

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Dissatisfaction with your day-to-day has led you to reevaluate where you are in life and where you’re headed. You feel unfulfilled, seeking a deeper purpose, though you aren’t sure what that is yet. Lean into the silence and listen to your inner voice; let it lead you to where you’re meant to be. Trust that your intuition will guide you toward the answers you seek.

(In case you missed it: Goodbye January, Hello February! Here’s Your Horoscope for the Week of January 29)

What are you looking forward to this week? Tell us in the comments!

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