Arrest of 3 Citizens and 2 Palestinians in Different Areas

Arrest of 3 Citizens and 2 Palestinians in Different Areas
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Friday, 19 January 2024


The Lebanese Army Command – Directorate of Orientation issued the following statement:

On 19/01/2024, a patrol from the Intelligence Directorate arrested in Al Jnah the Palestinian (A.M.), wanted under several arrest warrants for opening fire, abusing drugs, and for car robbery and theft. In Nahr Al Bared Camp, the Palestinian (K.AA.AA.) was arrested for vandalizing the belongings of a school in the mentioned camp.

Furthermore, the citizens (M.T.) and (F.L.) were arrested in Akkar for opening fire, causing clashes, and extorting.

Moreover, the citizen (A.Gh.) was arrested in Al Minieh for opening fire and promoting drugs, of which a quantity was seized in his possession.

The confiscated items were handed over, and the investigation was initiated with the arrestees under the supervision of the competent judicial authorities.


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