Annual Coastal Cleanup by Chevron in Batangas Supports Sea Turtle Nesting Season

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Chevron employees and members of the local government in Batangas joined hands during the annual coastal cleanup in San Pascual Batangas.

In support of a secure sea turtle nesting season, Chevron Philippines Inc. (CPI), the marketer of Caltex fuels and lubricants, along with its partners, successfully gathered approximately 685 bags of non-biodegradable and biodegradable waste from the shores of San Pascual, Batangas, in a recent coastal cleanup effort.


CPI has been spearheading the coastal cleanup initiative in San Pascual for a decade, as the area serves as a crucial nesting site for Olive-Ridley sea turtles. The event not only contributes to maintaining a cleaner environment but also fosters a sense of volunteerism among CPI employees and the local community in San Pascual. This year, over 80 participants, including CPI employees, contractors, and members of the local government unit, actively took part in the cleanup.


The San Pascual coastline spans the Chevron Batangas Terminal, a key facility for Chevron for over 65 years and a habitat for marine life, including sea turtles. Recent observations identified ten Olive Ridley sea turtle nests in proximity to the wharf between the causeway, with Chevron Batangas releasing a total of 111 hatchlings to date. CPI remains committed to transforming the shoreline into a secure habitat for sea creatures, aligning with its dedication to human safety, livelihood, and environmental preservation.


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