DOH: 9 more injured due to fireworks, total now at 609

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The Department of Health (DOH) on Saturday reported nine more fireworks and stray bullet-related injuries pushing, the total to 609.


The DOH said the nine new cases were recorded from 6 a.m. of January 5 up to 5:59 a.m. of January 6, 2024.

Based on the DOH data, the new cases were from eight to 55 years old (median age: 25) with nearly seven out of 10 cases being males. Eight or 89 percent of these new cases occurred at home and in the streets.

Majority, or seven (78%) of the cases, were due to legal fireworks and four (44%) were hospitalized due to their injuries.


Out of the total number of 609, 601 were due to fireworks, one due to Watusi ingestion, and seven stray bullets related injuries.


More than half of the cases were from NCR (320, 52%), followed by the Ilocos Region (61, 10%), CALABARZON (49, 8%), and Central Luzon (43, 7%).

As to types of injuries, 33 (5%) had blasts/burns with amputation; 447 (74%) had blasts/burns without amputation; 155 (26%) had eye injuries with one (1) confirmed blindness; and two (2) had hearing loss.


Ninety-six percent (96%) occured at home and in the streets, mostly by males with active involvement.

The DOH reported that the top ranking identified fireworks that caused the majority (64%) of FWRIs, in descending order, are Kwitis, 5-star*, Pla-pla*, Luces, Whistle Bomb, Boga *,  and Fountain.

Illegal fireworks, which are 5-star, Pla-pla, Boga are to blame for four out of every ten cases (225, 37%).

The DOH said Saturday marks the end of its fireworks-related injuries (FWRI) surveillance for 2023.

But it added that reported cases of stray bullet injuries (SBIs) are still being validated and the number may change in the next few days.

The department is also continuously validating with the Philippine National Police to arrive at the confirmed counts. —Jamil Santos/ VAL, GMA Integrated News

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