10 times the night sky amazed us in 2023

a white van is parked in a grassy field next to a road lined with the streaking lights of a passing car the sky is filled with the trails of stars
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The night sky of 2023 delivered many amazing views, from bright fiery comets to extraordinary auroras, unexpected meteor lunar impacts, newfound supernovas — and even a lost astronaut tool bag floating through space. Here are some of Space.com’s most memorable skywatching sights from this year. 


New Year, new comet

A long-exposure photograph of comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF) taken from Jackson, Wisconsin on Feb. 5, 2023. (Image credit: Joseph Simon)

2023 kicked off with a close approach of comet C/2022 E3 (ZTF). This newly-discovered comet made its closest approach to Earth on Feb. 1, passing within 28 million miles (42 million kilometers) of our planet. This was the comet’s first approach in 50,000 years.


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