Former GP is struck off for spreading conspiracy theories about covid pandemic

Former GP is struck off for spreading conspiracy theories about covid pandemic

A former GP who spread conspiracy theories about the covid-19 pandemic in online interviews has been struck off the UK medical register after a tribunal found that he had abused his position as a doctor to undermine public health.

In five interviews from June 2021 to July 2022 that were posted online, Samuel White, who qualified at the University of Wales in 2004, acknowledged that the coronavirus was real but said that it had been created by “globalists.”

The pandemic “was planned at least a decade ago,” he said—naming Bill Gates, Elon Musk, “Big Pharma,” the “deep state,” national governments, and the World Health Organization as actors in the alleged conspiracy.

Doctors were also agents of the conspiracy, White alleged. “This is tyranny,” he said in one interview. “We never thought we would see this totalitarian, you know, sort of regime ushered in ever again and yet here it …

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