A New Force in Philippine Politics

A New Force in Philippine Politics

Alternatibo’s 1st meeting held last October 2, 2024 in Quezon City attended by five (5) Political Parties/Organizations. In the photo (left to right): Rommel Ortega (Makakalikasan Party Secretary-General), Manny Dacoycoy (People’s Progressive Humanist Liberal Party PolPHIL -PhilPOL), Captain James Layug, President of Reform Ph, Gen. Dado Valeroso (Ret.)m President of the DPP-Democratic Party of the Philippines, Fortunato (Nato) Agbayani (Philpol), (In front of Nato) Winston Gaffud (Reform Ph), Reinaldo Guillermo, President of Bunyog Pagkakaisa Party, Nilo Tamoria, Consultant of Bunyog, Roy Jerusalem Cabonegro, President of the Makakalikasan Party, Bishop Nilo Tayag of PhilPOL, and Randy Hormillosa (with Ka Nilo Tayag)

In a political landscape dominated by traditional practices, a new and promising coalition has emerged ahead of the May 2025 elections in the Philippines. The merger of the Democratic Party of the Philippines (DPP) and the Makakalikasan-Nature Party Philippines signals the start of something different. Recognizing the vacuum left by the fragmented opposition and the persistence of undecided voters, this partnership has set out to present an alternative that breaks away from the established political norms.

With two senatorial candidates and a roster of local candidates, the DPP-Makakalikasan partnership represents the first significant move in a broader vision for change. However, they are not stopping there. By launching the coalition known as Alternatibo, or #2025ALTERNATIVES, they aim to go beyond just campaigning for positions—they seek to redefine Philippine politics by creating a viable and united alternative that addresses the needs of the people, the environment, and the future of governance.


On October 2, 2024, representatives from five progressive political parties gathered at Quezon Memorial Circle’s Max Restaurant for a historic meeting. The DPP (Democratic Party of the Philippines), Makakalikasan-Nature Party Philippines, Reform PH, Bunyog Pagkakaisa Party, and the People’s Progressive Humanist Liberal Party (PolPHIL) officially gave birth to ALTERNATIBO, a united front that promises to offer the Filipino electorate a refreshing alternative to the political status quo.

Alternatibo is not just another political coalition formed in the lead-up to an election. It represents a deliberate and thoughtful response to the increasing disenchantment of the Filipino people with traditional politics. Surveys have consistently shown that 46% of voters remain undecided, signaling a growing frustration with the mainstream political forces and their inability to address the real issues that matter to the public. Alternatibo seeks to fill this void by providing a platform that is built on genuine solidarity, progressive ideas, and a commitment to Green Development.

Why the Need for an Alternative?

Traditional political parties have long dominated the Philippine political arena, often perpetuating dynastic rule, corruption, and policies that cater to the interests of the elite. While the opposition once provided a check on these forces, the failure of the current opposition to present a full senatorial slate has created a gap in the political spectrum. This has left many voters searching for real alternatives, for candidates and parties that represent their concerns—ranging from environmental protection and sustainable development to corruption-free governance.

The recent merger between the DPP and the Makakalikasan-Nature Party Philippines is a significant first step in this direction. Recognizing the shared values of the two parties—centering on environmental protection, social equity, and participatory governance—they are now spearheading a broader alliance aimed at making real change in 2025 and beyond.

The Vision of ALTERNATIBO: A Common Agenda for Blue-Green Development

At the heart of Alternatibo’s platform is the principle of Blue-Green Development. This is a comprehensive approach that emphasizes both environmental sustainability and social justice. The coalition’s leaders have made it clear that their agenda goes beyond mere lip service to environmental issues. It is a fundamental rethinking of how development should proceed in the country. By subscribing to “Green Good Governance” values, they are explicitly rejecting the corruption, political dynasties, and criminal elements that have marred Philippine governance for so long.

Blue-Green Development focuses on ensuring that economic growth does not come at the expense of the environment. It emphasizes the need for policies that promote renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, equitable distribution of resources, and social inclusion. This development model seeks to balance the needs of both the present and future generations by fostering an economic system that respects natural limits while addressing the urgent needs of marginalized communities.

This common agenda is also rooted in strong anti-corruption measures, as Alternatibo’s leaders have made it clear that they stand united against “trapo” (traditional politicians) and dynastic politics. The coalition intends to push for legislation that would dismantle political dynasties, enforce accountability, and ensure that government positions are filled by competent and ethical public servants. This forms the core of their promise to bring about real, meaningful change.

Bishop Nilo Tayag of the PolPHIL puts it candidly “”Ang ginagawa natin dito ay soft approach but timely at critical na mga issues sa environment na bago naman that can mobilize the youth vote”

Captain James Layug, President of Reform PH support this further when introducing the fundamentals of the Reform PH “We, in Reform PH envisaged a patriotic spirit; nationalistic economy; and social balance that necessitates protecting and nurturing the environment.”

The Democratic Party of the Philippines and Makakalikasan Connection: Likas Democratiko & the Green Agenda

The unity between the Democratic Party of the Philippines (DPP) and the Makakalikasan-Nature Party Philippines, known as LIKAS DEMOKRATIKO, is based on shared values of ecological sustainability and democratic governance. The Makakalikasan Party draws its principles from Filipino revolutionary traditions and indigenous environmental practices, emphasizing the need to protect both the environment and human well-being. Its Green Agenda focuses on sustainable development, climate resilience, and environmental justice, reflecting the belief that true national progress can only be achieved through environmental stewardship.

The DPP, founded in 2010, shares this vision, especially through its advocacy for federalism, which allows local governments to address regional ecological challenges autonomously. The partnership between the two parties offers a unified approach to addressing the Philippines’ ecological and political issues. Together, they propose a system of Green Federalism, integrating sustainable environmental practices into democratic governance and promoting a future where ecological balance and democratic reforms work hand in hand for national progress.

As Gen. Dado Valeros (Ret.), DPP reminded us “Sa Democratic Party of the Philippines, likas po tayong demokratiko. Lumahok po tayo sa halalan para maisaayos natin ang lipunan”

Building a Unified Campaign: Toward Victory in 2025

Alternatibo’s goal is clear: to secure victory in the 2025 elections. However, they are taking a deliberate and measured approach to selecting their senatorial slate. In contrast to the hastily formed coalitions of the past, Alternatibo will subject its potential candidates to a Green Rating system and a Green People’s Primary Election. This process ensures that only those candidates who genuinely represent the coalition’s values and are committed to its agenda will be included on the senatorial slate.

This Green People’s Primary is a novel approach in Philippine politics, offering voters an active role in determining who will represent them. It reflects the coalition’s commitment to participatory democracy and its rejection of the top-down methods that have long characterized Philippine political parties. By allowing ordinary citizens to have a say in the formation of the senatorial slate, Alternatibo hopes to build a stronger connection between its candidates and the electorate.

Once the slate is finalized, Alternatibo plans to hold at least five joint electoral campaign events, including a major campaign launch and a meeting de avance. These events will serve as opportunities to introduce the coalition’s candidates and their platform to the public, as well as to rally support for the alternative vision they represent.

A Nationwide Reach

While Alternatibo is starting with five political parties, its leaders have made it clear that they intend to reach out to other like-minded groups and individuals to build a truly national movement. The coalition is actively seeking to engage with civil society organizations, progressive local leaders, and grassroots movements to ensure that their campaign reaches voters across the archipelago.

The Democratic Party of the Philippines and Makakalikasan-Nature Party Philippines, the founding members of Alternatibo, are already fielding local candidates in various regions. Their aim is to not only secure senatorial seats but also to win key local positions that can serve as a foundation for broader political and legislative reforms. By building a strong local presence, Alternatibo hopes to create a political infrastructure that can sustain its agenda beyond the 2025 elections.

The Future Beyond 2025

Alternatibo is not just a short-term response to the upcoming elections. It is the beginning of a long-term movement that aims to reshape Philippine politics and governance. Its leaders are already thinking beyond 2025, with plans to institutionalize their Blue-Green Development agenda and create a robust network of political and social actors who are committed to the coalition’s values.

In the face of traditional political forces that continue to dominate the country, Alternatibo’s emergence offers hope for a more inclusive, sustainable, and corruption-free future. By bringing together parties and individuals from different backgrounds, ideologies, and regions, Alternatibo is proving that real change is possible when people unite around shared values and a common vision.

What’s Next for ALTERNATIBO?

The road to victory in 2025 will not be easy, but Alternatibo’s leaders are confident in their approach. They are taking the time to build a strong, unified coalition that is driven by a clear vision and a well-organized campaign strategy. With the backing of grassroots movements and progressive leaders, Alternatibo has the potential to make a significant impact in the upcoming elections and beyond.

Their message is clear: Filipinos deserve better. They deserve leaders who are accountable, who prioritize the environment, and who will stand up against the entrenched corruption and dynasties that have long plagued the country. Alternatibo offers not just a new set of candidates but a new way of doing politics—one that is rooted in the values of transparency, solidarity, and sustainability.

The Partido Lakas ng Masa (PLM) and the Aksyon Demokratiko were also invited to this meeting for the Alternatibo. We hope that despite their absence in this first meeting that we can still convince them to join ahead as the door continues to be open for them and other like-minded groups.

As the countdown to the May 2025 elections begins, Alternatibo’s campaign is poised to become one of the most exciting developments in recent Philippine political history. The coalition’s success will depend on its ability to inspire voters, build alliances, and stay true to its values. If successful, Alternatibo could mark the beginning of a new era in Philippine politics—an era where the people and the environment take center stage.

#Alternatibo #2025elections #2025Senatoriables #DemocraticPartyOfThePhilippines #MakakalikasanParty #makakalikasan2025 #reformph #bunyogparty #PolPhil #PHPolitics #PhilippinePolitics #PhilippinePoliticsandGovernance

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