Canada sanctions Iran’s defence minister, others after missile attack on Israel

Canada sanctions Irans defence minister others after missile attack on Israel
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Canada is targeting Iran’s defence minister with a new round of sanctions imposed after the country’s retaliatory attack on Israel earlier this month.

Sanctions target two Iranian institutions and two military leaders

Iranian Defense Minister Gen. Mohammad Reza Gharaei Ashtiani speaks during a press conference in Tehran, Iran on Monday, March 6, 2023. (Vahid Salemi/The Associated Press)

Canada is targeting Iran’s defence minister with a new round of sanctions imposed after the country’s retaliatory attack on Israel earlier this month.


The sanctions affect two institutions and two military leaders, and come a week after Foreign Affairs Minister Melanie Joly said Canada would target more Iranians.


Iranian Defence Minister Mohammad-Reza Ashtiani and the country’s most senior military body were both listed on the newly imposed sanctions, imposed in co-ordination with countries like the U.S. and the U.K.

The sanctions follow the barrage of missiles and drones Iran lobbed at Israel on April 13 in its first direct attack on the country.

It came after an airstrike on Iran’s embassy in Syria which was widely attributed to Israel.

The sanctions bar the people and entities listed from entering the Canada or having any economic dealings with Canadians.


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