Former Post Office executive ‘truly sorry’ over Horizon scandal

Former Post Office executive truly sorry over Horizon scandal
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Former Post Office head of partnerships Angela van den Bogerd has said she is “truly sorry” for the “devastation” caused to wrongly convicted subpostmasters.


She told the Post Office Horizon IT Inquiry on Thursday: “Saying sorry I know doesn’t change what’s happened.


“But I do want to say to everyone impacted by wrongful convictions and wrongful contract terminations that I am truly, truly sorry for the devastation caused to you, your family and friends.

“I hope my evidence will assist this inquiry with getting to the answers you and so many others deserve.”


Ms van den Bogerd held various roles throughout her 35-year career at the Post Office, starting off as a network change operations manager, then on to head of network services, head of partnerships, director of support services and the director of people and change.


She was appointed as the Post Office’s business improvement director in 2018, but stepped down from the role in 2020.

Coronation Street actress Katherine Kelly played her in the ITV drama Mr Bates vs The Post Office, which first aired on January 1.

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