Girl of the 21st Century Facts

Girl of the 21st Century Facts
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18. Phillip didn’t have a lot of time to practice the song before performing it for the space station concert scene.


“I think I got the song maybe the night before,” the actor told PeopleTV. “The choreographer was, I think, Michael Jackson’s choreographer.”

And, admittedly, dancing wasn’t exactly Phillip’s forte. “I’m not much of a dancer,” he continued. “I had two left feet. So I was trying to remember the song that I’d just been given plus these dance moves.”

19. While it’s hard to imagine Proto Zoa without his signature spikes, the ‘do wasn’t always part of the plan.


“I wanted to do something different, so we did the peroxide blonde thing, spiky hair thing,” Phillip added. “It wasn’t written that way actually.”


20. If you’ve orbited through all the Zenon movies, then you know Phillip was in the first and second films but not the third. The reason?


“I was shooting Nip/Tuck at the time, and…I was committed to it,” Phillip told HuffPost in 2018. “It was Ryan Murphy’s first big thing, and I just couldn’t leave, really.”


As a result, Nathan Anderson replaced him for Z3. And it looks like Phillip is a fan.

“I met him via a friend, and he’s a lovely guy,” he added. “That’s not easy taking over the role. He’s American. He had to do an English accent as well. That’s tough, just not fair.” 

21. “Supernova Girl” wasn’t the only soundtrack hit. Along with Donald Markowitz, Stu wrote “The Galaxy Is Ours” for The Zequelnoting it’s the only songwriting credit in his career.

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