Sunak reveals anger as daughters forced to hear Reform activist call him P***

Sunak reveals anger as daughters forced to hear Reform activist call him P
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Rishi Sunak has revealed his hurt and anger after his daughters were exposed to their father being called a p*** by a Reform UK canvasser.


Andrew Parker was caught using the racial slur while canvassing in Clacton, Essex, where Nigel Farage is standing as an MP in the general election.

Mr Parker, who was filmed as part of an undercover investigation by Channel 4 News, said: ā€œIā€™ve always been a Tory voter. But what annoys me is that f****** p*** weā€™ve got in. What good is he? You tell me, you know. Heā€™s just wet. F****** uselessā€.

On a campaign visit to a school in Teesside, the prime minister told broadcasters: ā€œMy two daughters have to see and hear Reform people who campaign to Nigel Farage calling me an effing p***. It hurts and it makes me angry, and I think he has some questions to answer.

Andrew Parker
Andrew Parker (Channel 4)

On his decision to use the word p***, he said told reporters: ā€œI do it deliberately and I hate having to do it. I chose my words deliberately. I hate having to repeat it. Absolutely hate it. But I also think itā€™s important to call this out for what it is and be clear about what it is. ā€œ


Asked whether he was frustrated that some former Tory voters are leaning towards Reform UK when their activists are making racist and homophobic comments, Mr Sunak said: ā€œWhen you see Reform candidates and campaigners seemingly using racist and misogynistic language and opinion, seemingly without challenge, I think it tells you something about the culture in the Reform party.

ā€œAndrew Tate isnā€™t an important voice for men. Heā€™s a vile misogynist. And our politics and country is better than that.

ā€œAs prime minister, but more importantly as a father of two young girls, itā€™s my duty to call out this corrosive and divisive behaviour.ā€

The footage shown on Channel 4 on Thursday night also showed another canvasser described the Pride flag as ā€œdegenerateā€ and suggested members of the LGBT community are paedophiles.

Labour leader Keir Starmer said he was ā€œshockedā€ by the ā€œclearly racistā€ footage and suggested the controversy was a test of leadership for Mr Farage.


The Reform leader has sought to distance himself from the comments, saying he was ā€œdismayedā€ by the ā€œappalling sentimentsā€ expressed.

(AFP via Getty Images)

However, after it was revealed Mr Parker was a part-time actor, the Reform leader suggested the filmed comments were part of a ā€œset upā€.

Appearing on ITVā€™s Loose Women, he said: ā€œIt was an act right from the very start.ā€

Saying Andrew Parker, the canvasser, had been ā€œrough speakingā€ and ā€œnot being himselfā€, Mr Farage added: ā€œI have to tell you, this whole thing was a complete and total set-up, I have no doubt about that.ā€

Asked whether he thought Mr Parker had been paid, he said: ā€œI donā€™t know whether he was paid or not.ā€

He added: ā€œIā€™m saying itā€™s possible, I donā€™t know. Something is wrong here.ā€

Channel 4 has strongly denied any suggestions that it paid Mr Parker or anyone else to produce its journalism.

A spokesperson said: ā€œWe strongly stand by our rigorous and duly impartial journalism which speaks for itself.

ā€œWe met Mr Parker for the first time at Reform UK party headquarters, where he was a Reform party canvasser.

ā€œWe did not pay the Reform UK canvasser or anyone else in this report. Mr Parker was not known to Channel 4 News and was filmed covertly via the undercover operation.ā€

Mr Parker has apologised for his comments, denied he is a racist and claimed it was just ā€œtypical chaps-down-the-pub talkā€ in ā€œthe heat of the moment.ā€

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